Samuel Cresswell marriage (General)
by Amycakes, Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 02:36 (5875 days ago)
Hi List,
Still researching my Cresswell tree,& trying to find a marriage of Samuel CRESSWELL to a Rosina/Rosana ??
I have them on 1841 census living at St Mary-de-Lode ,Gloucester, with children James aged 3 , & Emanuel aged 3/12.
Both these children died ,one in 1842 aged 4, the other 1849 aged 8, their mother Rosina/Rosana also died in 1850 aged 45.
they were still living at St Mary de Lode then.
Samuel went on to marry again to a widow Caroline Juggins in St Marys chapel Gloucester.
I would love to be able to find Rosina/Rosana's marriage to Samuel & hopefully go back another generation.
Any help would be wonderful.
Thanking you for your time.
Samuel Cresswell marriage
by Nickya, Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 03:52 (5875 days ago) @ Amycakes
Hi there
I believe that Samuel Cresswell did not marry Rosina/Rosanna until 1843, and not in the Forest of Dean (although I believe he was from there and moved back there), but in Gloucester. Volume 11 page 412 of the BMD records for Glos of 1843 will show that in all probability Samuel (not very helpfully Criswell here!) married Rosanna Davis. This may not be the same couple but the probability is high. Davis is not the easiest name to research but hope this helps!
Samuel and Rosana/Rosina had another daughter Harriet born after 1843 who lived with Frederick Vallender, a 3-times great grandfather of mine, in Gloucester, in 1881. Her first daughter also called Rosina was born in the workhouse in Westbury on Severn 1871.
Hope this is helpful information.
Samuel Cresswell marriage
by Amycakes, Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 11:46 (5875 days ago) @ Nickya
Hi Nickya,
Thank you so much for your help, really appreciate it.
I had no idea of Rosina's maiden name , thank you for finding the info on a possible marriage , it looks a good possibility that it is the right one, as so many times I have found the spelling of Cresswell all wrong, Cressell was one.
Thanks again will have to check it out.
Cheers Amycakes.
Samuel Cresswell marriage
by Amycakes, Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 11:56 (5875 days ago) @ Nickya
How interesting that you have Vallender in your tree, I have had many contacts with the Vallender history too.
I had known about Harriet & her daughter Rosina previously, & have had contact with others on this name.
Harriet also had a brother Henry born approx 1843.
Rosina went on to marry a George Whitcombe in Wales., she had a sister called Gertrude Maud Cresswell -Vallender.
I was sent a tree on Vallender , if you are interested I can give you more info.
Cheers Amycakes.
Samuel Cresswell marriage
by Nickya, Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 00:11 (5874 days ago) @ Amycakes
That's so interesting. I'm really glad that you've found the info. on Rosina helpful. I'm fairly sure it's the same people-Cresswell is a name with many variants on the spelling (as is Vallender!) Thank you so much about the info on Rosina-I just could not trace her after 1881 and had no idea what had happened to her, so that's great. Gertrude Maud stayed in Gloucester and married a Henry O Frost in Gloucester in 1913. I'm fairly sure she was Frederick's natural daughter. I do not know what happened to Harriet(t), I think she must have died in the early 1880s, do you know anything? I can't find any evidence that she married Frederick. Frederick married three times, but does not appear to have married Harriet. Frederick's daughter Fanny, b.1857, from his marriage to Mary Ann Burford (nee Farley) was my great great grandmother. My granny, Edith Gertrude Tooth, was born in 1910 (d. 2003).
Any Vallender information would be really interesting, I will have a look to see what I can find out about Rosina Davis's family. Can't see any evidence of Henry Cresswell after 1851. I have a bit of Vallender stuff on my genes reunited tree.
Thanks again
Nicky A
Samuel Cresswell marriage
by Amycakes, Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 01:14 (5874 days ago) @ Nickya
Hi Nicky,
Thank you so much for your help in tracing my family.
I heard from a Ben Lowe some years ago, who told me his great grandmother was the grandaughter of Frederick John Vallender & Harriet ,she was possibly his 3rd/4th wife.
Harriet died when her daughter Gertrude Maude Cresswell Vallender was still quite young, Gertude was then brought up by her step sister .
Gertrude married Henry Oswald Frost .
If you wish to email me its
Please keep in touch.
Cheers Jackie
Samuel Cresswell marriage
by Amycakes, Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 01:20 (5874 days ago) @ Nickya
Hi Nicky , me again .
Rosina died on 3rd March 1930 aged 61.
she & her husband George Whitcombe had 5 children.
On 1891 she is living at 2 Lower Cross Street Tirphil S.Wales, with her husband & my Great grandfather Edwin Cresswell & his wife Emily, & my grandfather William Samuel Cresswell & his siter Annie aged 10 months.
That's when I found out Rosina was related to my Grandfather.
Hope you find this useful.
Cheers Jackie
Samuel Cresswell marriage
by Nickya, Thursday, February 12, 2009, 00:49 (5873 days ago) @ Amycakes
Hi Jackie
Thanks for all that wonderful information, it's very informative indeed. I'm so glad that Rosina married and had children, as I said, I lost track of her. It's interesting what you say about Gertrude Maud. My Granny, Edith Gertrude Tooth/Elliot, always said that she was named after 'two aunts'. Now, we knew about Edith Westbury, her mother Elizabeth's youngest sister, but I couldn't find a Gertrude. Then I discovered Gertrude Maud, and now I know that she must have been the one. It makes sense that Gertrude was brought up by her half-sister Fanny Vallender/Westbury. Fanny was old enough to be her mum, born in 1857. My great grandma Elizabeth Sarah Westbury was born in 1876. Gertrude would actually have been my Granny's great aunt, although only three years younger than Elizabeth.
Don't know how much my Granny knew about the relationships-maybe she thought that Gertrude was her mother's sister. I never thought to ask (one doesn't when one's a youngster).
Fanny Westbury died in 1924.
It's great to know about the Cresswells too, even though they aren't blood-relations to me. Thanks for telling me about Ben Lowe, too.
Frederick Vallender has fascinated me, he was married four times. I'm not sure that he married Harriet though, having said that.
Thanks for your e mail address, I will use that in future. I think that we've had some contact through Genes Reunited.
Take care
Nicky Archer
Samuel Cresswell marriage
by Amycakes, Thursday, February 12, 2009, 04:46 (5873 days ago) @ Nickya
Hi Nicky,
Thank you for the info, it is great to put meat on the bones so to speak.
I have Rosina on 1891 & 1901. when she was married to George Whitcombe, not sure if you have access to the census.
I was also sent a photo of Rosina's gravestone, if you would like a copy , please email me & I will send it on.
I was given it by a Phillip Whitcombe some years ago, George & Rosina were his great grandparents, unfortunately I have lost touch with him, he was so helpful & sent other photos of the house Rosina lived in.
Apparently they called her Rosa, she is down as Rose on 1891 though.
I have also found Gertrude living with Fanny on 1891. Though her surname is Vallie!
I no longer belong to Genes Reunited so cannot access your family tree there, I too have my lot on there , & you can access it if you like.
Though it has been sometime since I updated it.
As for a marriage of Harriet to Vallender , I havent been able to find one, but as you say the name is often misspelled.
Cheers Jackie
Samuel Cresswell marriage
by bertha, Tuesday, February 10, 2009, 04:33 (5875 days ago) @ Amycakes
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