by GeoffreyJamesSelway, Thursday, February 12, 2009, 05:09 (5873 days ago) @ AnneRafferty

Hello Anne,

It was very exciting to receive your message. It was wonderful to find out about George Phipps and Isabella James.

I traced that Elijah went to work in the Sheffield area, but know nothing more about his life after that. I understand that he was baptised 20 January, 1867 at the Wesleyan Chapel. It seems he was boarding at Boarding at 62 Cricket Inn Road, Sheffield in 1901 although it seems he was married at the time. I don´t know who he married or anything about his children and life etc. As you are the gt. gt. granddaughter of George Phipps and Charlotte Kear, we are obviously related. I´d love to know more about your line and where are you based now ?. Perhaps you have some family photos, which I would love to see. Perhaps you can let me have your email address.

Maybe someone will pick up on our messages and know some information about Rennie Phipps of Stone Cottage.

Did you take a look at the website I am trying to create concerning my four family trees (grandparents) which, of course, include the Phipps family. :

As for myself, after being born near Neath in South Wales… I went to art collage and on to teachers ´college. I was the Head of Art in S.E. London and then moved to East Anglia before moving to Spain in 2001. Now I concentrate on my painting and am known as James Selway in the art world and some of my work can be seen on several web pages under that name.

I am really looking forward to hearing more about yourself and family and if I can help you in any way with your search, please let me know.

All best wishes,

Geoff Selway (Geoffrey James Selway)

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