Advice needed re: Memoranda notes on a burial record (General)

by Joanne, Thursday, February 19, 2009, 01:51 (5866 days ago) @ Joanne

Hi guys, just thought you would like to know that I ordered death certificates for Hubert and Maria and here is what they said:

When/Where: 7 April 1942 Elm Cottage Brodwell West Dean
Name/Surname: Maria Roberts
Sex: Female
Age: 67
Occupation: Wife of Hubert Roberts a Retired Quarryman
Cause: 1(a) Cerebral Haemorrhage
(b) Arteriosclorosis
M. Roberts daughter-in-law was present at death at Farm Row Broadwell. Death was registered on 7 April 1942 and the registrar was E. R. Pearce.

When/Where: 4 May 1942 Public Institution Westbury-on-Severn
Name/Surname: Hubert Roberts
Sex: Male
Age: 66
Occupation: Of Elm Cottage Broadwell West Dean a Retired Quarryman
Cause: Myocaridal degeneration following pulmonary fibrosis due to advanced silicosis
Certificate was recieved from Maurice Frederick Carter the Coroner for Forest of Dean District of Gloucestershire and an Inquest was held on 12 May 1942
Death was registered 15 May 1942 and the registrar was Howard Paling.

As you can see their death dates show they died a month apart with Maria dying in April and Hubert in May. The burial records say, however that they were buried only two days apart on the 8th April for Maria and the 10th April for Hubert. How can this be? If someone could please look at the burials for these two people to ascertain the correct burial I would be grateful as lol Hubert could not have been buried in April if he didnt die until May !!! lol!!!


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