Forest of Dean Bible Christian Circuit Baptisms 1917-1918 (General)

by Celia61, Monday, February 23, 2009, 21:51 (5861 days ago) @ admin

Hi David.
My late father Joseph Philip HUDSON, born in 1911, told me he was baptised when he was 6 yrs old by the Bible Christians.

He remembered it being by the table in the front parlour of his maternal grandmother's home, at Cranberry Cottage, Drybrook (opposite the BC/methodist chapel). His parents were Minnie(Maria Marfell Harris) and Joseph HUDSON

I've found the BC baptismal records of his cousins, Ruth 1909, Norman 1911, Mervyn and Stuart HARRIS 1916, as well as his older sister Dorothy HUDSON 1909. Ruth and Dorothy were baptised at the chapel, the boys at their parent's home (Simeon - always known as Bert - and Alice Harris nee Cowmeadow) This was at Cranberry Cottage Drybrook with Bert and Minnie's mother Selina Harris.

Incidentally, Dorothy's name was Dorothy Adeline HUDSON, not Dorothy Caroline as shown in the transcription.

Cheers, Celia

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