Was it frowned upon for cousins to marry in 1830? Vaughan (General)

by stephenmiller @, Monday, February 23, 2009, 23:52 (5861 days ago)

I am hoping for someone to help me as my family tree can branch in 2 ways - the only problem is that if I follow a certain route it would mean a marriage between cousins - however, I thought this was frowned upon but I know it did happen:

I am looking to trace the parents of Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 from Ruardean - but there are 2 possibilities of her parents which leads to 2 alternative routes to follow:

1)If her parents were Richard Vaughan +Betty Gagg - their son John vaughan (born 1777) married Elizabeth Bennett in 1803 they had a child John Vaughan (born 1806) who married Elizabeth Thompson in 1834

Going back from Elizabeth Thompson - her parents were john Thompson + Mary Vaughan born 1768/1769....if Mary Vaughans parents were Richard Vaughan + betty Gagg......there would be a cousin marriage ie John Vaughan + Elizabeth thompson

2)If her parents were John Vaughan + Elizabeth then there is obviously no cousin marriage further down my line

Sorry it is confusing!

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