KEAR family members who went to China (General)
by toadhall22, Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 15:43 (5846 days ago)
Does anyone know of any Kear family members who went to Amoy China from the Forest of Dean. A Charles Kear immigrated to Australia in the late 1850's from China his father was from The Forest and married a Jean Shergold in Mudgee 1861. His fathers' name is unknown and am trying to get a lead on the family.The mother was chinese and there are no records of her either.
Cheers PF
KEAR family members who went to China
by HFM, Thursday, April 02, 2009, 18:22 (5823 days ago) @ toadhall22
I am a descendant of Charles Kear (Mudgee, NSW, Australia). My research suggests that he was an indentured labourer who came to Australia in 1852 from Amoy. Your mssage indicates that his father came from Forest of Dean and his mother was Chinese. I would be really interested to know where this information came from.
Many thanks,
Charles KEAR
by jean cavanagh , Sydney nsw Australia, Thursday, January 05, 2012, 02:11 (4816 days ago) @ toadhall22
I am the great grandaughter of Charles Kear and Jean Shergold who were married in Mudgee, NSW Australia in 1861. I too am looking for more information on Charles who died in 1880 in Mudgee. His death certificate says that his name was Jung and that he was 65. I have a good deal of information about his family and my grandmther, Charles's daughter Hannah Vashti.
My mother's recollection is that her mother in law, Hannah Vashti Kear( m Arthur Phillips)told her that her father could speak "chinese and scotch"
So, can we presume that Charles Kear was the son of a scottish man who migrated or sailed to Amoy, China and who later met and married a chinese woman?
there are a number of people trying to trace the background of Charles but with no success.
Jean Cavanagh
jeancav AT
KEAR: Charles Kear married Jean SHERGOLD in Mudgee in 1861. They had
children Hugh, Jacob, Frederick, Ruth, Rebecca, Vashti, Eva. I am
intrigued by the Chinese background of Charles (UNG) who I am told was
born in Amoi, China. That information was from Carol Kear but I have
lost cintact with her. I was told Murray Kear may have some old
photographs which I would love to copy but I don't know how to contact
him. Seeking any information about Charles or this family.
Jean Cavanagh (granddaughter of Vashti)
jean or jane SHERGOLD born 1835
by jean cavanagh , Sydney nsw Australia, Thursday, January 05, 2012, 02:27 (4816 days ago) @ toadhall22
I am trying to find family of Jean Shergold, my great grandmother whose father was William Shergold and mother Elizabeth Newman from Wiltshire. Jean came to Australia in 1856 on the ship Kate and later married Charles Kear in Mudgee in 1861I would appreciate any information on Jean and background.
Jean cavanagh
jeancav AT
Jane SHERGOLD born 1835 WILTS
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, January 05, 2012, 07:26 (4815 days ago) @ jean cavanagh
Possible :-
Christening: 07 JUN 1835 Orcheston St. George, Wiltshire, England
Extracted birth or christening record for the locality listed in the record.
The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the birth or christening date.
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
C054681 1813 - 1875 0950250 Film 0883720 Film
Sheet: 00
Name: William Shergold
Date of Registration: Apr-May-Jun 1841
Registration district: Alderbury
Inferred County: Wiltshire
Volume: 8
Page: 177
Elizabeth Shergold abt 1806 Wiltshire, England St George Orcheston, Wiltshire
Hannah Shergold abt 1831 Wiltshire, England St George Orcheston, Wiltshire
William Shergold abt 1832 Wiltshire, England St George Orcheston, Wiltshire
Federick Shergold abt 1834 Wiltshire, England St George Orcheston, Wiltshire
Jane Shergold abt 1835 Wiltshire, England St George Orcheston, Wiltshire
George Shergold abt 1837 Wiltshire, England St George Orcheston, Wiltshire
James Shergold abt 1840 Wiltshire, England St George Orcheston, Wiltshire
Elizabeth Shergold abt 1807 Boddenham, Wiltshire, England Head Orcheston St George, Wiltshire
William Shergold abt 1832 Orcheston St George Son Orcheston St George, Wiltshire
Frederick Shergold abt 1834 Orcheston St George Son Orcheston St George, Wiltshire
Jane Shergold abt 1835 Orcheston St George Daughter Orcheston St George, Wiltshire
George Shergold abt 1837 Orcheston St George Son Orcheston St George, Wiltshire
Janes Shergold abt 1840 Orcheston St George Son Orcheston St George, Wiltshire
George Shergold abt 1837 Elston, Wiltshire, England Head Orcheston St George, Wiltshire
Ann Shergold abt 1839 Shrewton, Wiltshire, England Wife Orcheston St George, Wiltshire
Fredrick C Shergold G abt 1859 Maddington, Wiltshire, England Son Orcheston St George, Wiltshire
Elizabeth Shergold abt 1807 Badnain, Wiltshire, England Mother Visitor (Visitor) Orcheston St George, Wiltshire
Elizabeth Shergold abt 1803 Bodenham, Wiltshire, England Head Maddington, Wiltshire
Elizabeth Shergold abt 1804 Boddanham, Wiltshire, England Head Maddington, Wiltshire
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Jane SHERGOLD born 1835 WILTS
by jean cavanagh , Sydney nsw Australia, Thursday, January 05, 2012, 07:50 (4815 days ago) @ slowhands
Thank you for the information which is much appreciated. I am new to ancestry and need all the help I can get to get up to speed. Kind regards
Jean Cavanagh
William SHURGOLD/Elizabeth NEWMAN
by m p griffiths , Thursday, January 05, 2012, 20:22 (4815 days ago) @ jean cavanagh
Church of Latter of Day Saints
Marriage at Nunton, Wiltshire, 27 May 1827 - (which isn't far from Bodenham approx 1.2 miles)
William SHURGOLD and Elizabeth NEWMAN
There is a website (can't do the link) - History of Nunton & Bodenham (these are two little hamlets close together)
Christening at Nunton, Wiltshire 20 July 1806 - Elizabeth NEWMAN, parents Richard & Hannah
As I was born in Wiltshire, the accent would pronounce SHERGOLD, SHURGOLD - and there is a great site, with photo's etc of Wiltshire Churches and 'names' including Nunton St Andrew - and Orcheston St George
SHERGOLD - John, Henry, George : KEAR
by jean cavanagh , Sydney nsw Australia, Thursday, July 18, 2013, 06:55 (4255 days ago) @ jean cavanagh
John, Henry, George Shergold all charged with an offence in Wiltshire and then sent to Australia. John in 1798 on the Barwell, George and Henry on the Eleanor in 1831. (no ages)
All later pardoned.
My great grandmother was Jean Shergold, born approx 1834. Daughter of William Shurgold and Elizabeth Newman. (information generously provided by "slow hands". Could these men be related to William Shurgold? Brothers perhaps?
Also a Elizabeth KEAR, aged 24, came to Australia on the Ormuz in 1890 with her children to join her husband Alexander Kear (no age) who had come in 1842 on the Manlius. Could Elizabeth be a Shergold(SHurgold)?
We are wondering how Jean Shergold came to Australia aged 22 in Dec 1856 on the ship Kate. Her brother George, aged 17, came to Australia in 1857 on the ship Hindostan. Perhaps they were joining other members of the Shergold family (such as John, Henry, George)?
Many thanks if you can help with any information prior to census.
Jean Cavanagh
jean E cavanagh
Charles William KEAR Amoy CHINA
by jean cavanagh , Sydney nsw Australia, Thursday, January 05, 2012, 11:10 (4815 days ago) @ toadhall22
I am the great grandaughter of Charles Kear. He came to NSW in 1852. Charles applied for naturalisatio in NSW in 1867, the paperwork confirming he was a native of Amoy, China. He could read and write (beautiful handwriting) and became a court interpreter in Mudgee NSW for chinese miners who needed representation in court. He married Jean Shergold who was born in Wiltshire, England in Mudgee 1861. Jean came to Australia on the ship Kate in 1856. Charles and Jean ran a boarding house for chinese miners and at some time I was told, ran the Mudgee Mail newspaper. My mother (aged 99) tells me that her mother in law, one of Charles's daughters, Vashti Hannah, told her that Charles could speak "chinese and scotch". Another letter says that he could speak "several languages" - which we now presume to mean several Chinese dialects.
Given that Kear families are from Forest of Dean, one presumes that Charles's father could have emigrated to China possibly around 1810 from that area and married a chinese woman.
The British were in Amoy (now Xiamen) in the 17cent. later also the French and Dutch and in 1841 the British Naval Force of 38 ships sailed into Xiamen. So one presumes that there was considerable business being done by the English during that period.
Could his father still have had contact with the Kears in England? It seems unusual that Jean Shergold left Wiltshire England to go to Mudgee. Were her family known to the Kears?
Its a puzzle that many decendants are trying to solve.
jean cavanagh
jeancav AT
KEAR roots
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, January 05, 2012, 11:49 (4815 days ago) @ jean cavanagh
If we can find a link to the Forest that will help you ! but I would keep an open mind to KEAR/KIER roots in Ireland and Scotland too.
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
KEAR roots
by m p griffiths , Friday, January 06, 2012, 14:58 (4814 days ago) @ slowhands
There is an old message on Rootsweb Aus-NSW-L - 1 June 2005
'Would anyone be able to tell me anything about a Frederick KEAR. He sponsored his cousin, a young Irish girl, to come to Australia in 1867. On the shipping papers it said that he was from Sydney. I don't know anything about him, but perhaps he is connected to the KEAR family who were living at Mudgee around 1862'
and from the same subscriber - 4 June 2005
'Great Grandmother Anne MOGAN. ...... Born c1846 at Kinvarra County Galway. Her parents were Patrick MOGAN and Margaret? ....... could be REYZAN/REYTAN/REYLAND" arrived in Sydney May 1867'
Charles William KEAR Amoy CHINA
by unknown, Sunday, April 15, 2012, 07:41 (4714 days ago) @ jean cavanagh
Jean, great to hear that your still researching the Kear history. I see that there is now a link to the Forest of Dean, and possibly from there to Amoy, then onto Mudgee.
As you may know I have photos of Jean, and of the brothers and sisters of Charles, but nothing of Charles himself.
Look forward to corresponding.
Murray Kear
Charles William KEAR Amoy CHINA
by jean cavanagh , Sydney nsw Australia, Sunday, April 15, 2012, 08:04 (4714 days ago) @ unknown
Hi Murray, I've been a tad slack about the family research, but now have my daughter interested which has prompted me to probe further. As you may remember, we have been to China quite a few times, and in December 2011 persuaded my daughter Jenny and son in law Sam to come with us to Shanghai. Jenny's first trip. She loved every minute and is now more curious to find more abour Charles Kear.
Also cousin, Helen Murray (daughter of Stan Murray) has done the most research and we are all meeting soon one Sat afternoon at Jenny's house at Annandale. Maybe you would like to join us? Or we could try and meet you somewhere else.
Everytime I see you on TV I tell everyone you look so much like Fred Phillips (son of Vashti Kear and brother of my Dad). Such a strong family likeness.
Please email jeancav AT or phone 02 9639 4029.
Kind regards
Jean Cavanagh
Charles William KEAR Amoy CHINA
by murraykear , Sunday, December 30, 2012, 22:58 (4455 days ago) @ jean cavanagh
Sorry for the huge delay in replying, seems like when I get a small opportunity to focus on the family history other priorities take over.
Over the Christmas break I have done a little web browsing and found an interesting article in the Trove digitised website, NAtional Library of Australia, Town and Country Journal, which outlines the death of Charles Kear from apoplexy.
My email address in murray.kear AT
Drop me an email and I will give you the rest of my contact details, and hopefully we can finally catch up and share some info.
Murray Kear
Charles Kear
by jean cavanagh , Sydney nsw Australia, Sunday, April 15, 2012, 09:06 (4714 days ago) @ unknown
Murray, I decided to try and find out more of Jean Shergold's background and perhaps this way, could find out more about Charles. Given Jean came to Australia, met and married a chinese person. Obviously Charles could speak write and speak english. Therefore educated. Could there be a link back to UK? I then heard from a man who lives in Dural who has told me of the Kears who have gone back to James 1 era living in Forest of Dean (and Kears apparently are still there). So, could Charles father have gone to China (merchant navy?), met and married a chinese woman. Son educated in a Misson Just guessing.
I have had some correspondence from a gentleman in NZ who has done a lot of research into Kears which I am happy to photocopy and send to you. You might be able to pick up on some of the clues and take them even further.
Its so frustrating however, what I havent done is ask for information through National Archives in UK or similar as cousin Helen Murray was recommended to do so. Apparently a lot of old records from Shanghai were sent back to UK.
I guess that is something we must do next.
Charles Kear
by LeeTazOz, Monday, July 27, 2020, 10:35 (1689 days ago) @ jean cavanagh
Hi Jean
I’ve only just become aware of the Chinese heritage of my cousin (by marriage) David Morgan. Son of Ruth Curry.
David had no idea, and is fascinated to find out any more info. Has there been any progress, as theses posts seem quite old.
Tasmania, Australia
Charles Kear
by jean cavanagh , Sydney nsw Australia, Tuesday, July 28, 2020, 01:04 (1689 days ago) @ LeeTazOz
Hello Lee, about a very energetic few years of research, nothing further has been done . I found cousins who came here to visit at Baulkham Hills, Sydney and over lunch discussed research and shared all of the information we had gathered.
I remember my father(Frank Arthur Phillips, son of Vashti Hannah Kear and Arthur Charles Phillips), talking about cousins, the Currys, So Vashti’s parents were Jean Shergold born in Wiltshire England and Charles Kear From Xiamen(Amoy)China. Whether Charles was full Chinese or a son of a Seaman(British came to Amoy in the 1800’s) from Forest of Dean, we don’t know. Charles May have been a full Chinese, educated at a Missionary School in Amoy who learned to speak English and when he came to Australia, anglicised his name.We can speculate but non of us have come up with any answers.
That is the mystery although my grandmother, Vashti) did look very Chinese And I was told that Jeanand Charles’s sons , all living in Mudgee, had pigtails. Definately a strong chinese look, skin colouring.
My husband and I have been to China many times and last visit, 2014, my daughter (59) and husband came with us to Xiamen(old Amoy) where we tried to so some research. Unfortunately needed a lot more time although we made contact with a man who has lived there for many years from US and he tried to help with research but was unable to find old records which we were to,d had been sent back to England.
Since a teenager , and I am now 80, I was fascinated with China without ever knowing anything about the Chinese connection as Gran (Vashti) apparently burnt her birth certificate and never ever spoke of parents To my mother (daughter-in-law) and I was too young to ask questions. In those days of course Chinese weren’t very welcome in Australia as the White Australia Policy came out 1901 and there was a lot was discrimination.
You can phone me 0408 204 360 or send me a message by clicking on the envelope next to my name at the head of this post.
I would have to did out old papers as I actually haven’t followed up anything for about 5 years now. A cousin Murray Kear had done a lot of research and also Helen Murray had done a lot and both much more organised than me and younger. Maybe about 70 now.
It’s a lot of fun actually and now I’m sorry I put it aside but it takes a lot of time which I started to feel a bit guilty about, no gardening or housework.
Cheers, Jean Cavanagh
jean E cavanagh