SAYSUM family where are they (General)

by rachelhanlon1 @, Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 04:08 (5845 days ago) @ william pattern

This may be a bit rambling, but I thought you might be interested in what I have found out about the Saysome family through my great grandmother, Alice Saysome, who was born at Hoarworthy Hentland, Herefordshire on 4th October 1864. Her parents were recorded as being Thomas Sysam amd Mary Meredith - yet in censuses, her father was named as George, and that was the name on her marriage ceriticate to William Powell on 21st Sept 1884.

Thomas Sisam married Mary Meredith at How Caple, Herefordshire, on 21st December 1859, when his father was recorded as John Sisam, a Labourer. Thomas was listed as being of "full age".

This is where another complication arises regarding Mary Meredith. She was born in Ross on 25th November 1841, the daughter of James and Elizabeth (nee Mayo). James died on 8th April 1842, and Elizabeth re-married - Samuel Jones on 21st April 1844. On the birth certificates of George and Mary Saysome's children, Mary's maiden name is sometimes given as Meredith and sometimes as Jones.

George died in the Chepstow Workhouse on 16th May 1906. From the matching of certificates and census info, I can only assume that Thomas and George are one and the same - but I can't find a birth cert for Thomas either!

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