Charles Jones from the Jones of Dymock (General)

by gwensabin, Friday, March 20, 2009, 03:39 (5836 days ago)

At a recent meeting of the Jones "clan" two members of the family informed us that they believed a brother was missing off the list of Jones brothers. Parents were John & Ellen Jones, married 1870. Their children were - Henry, Thomas, George, Amelia, Hubert, Andrew, Anne, Alice, Florence & James. The two cousins think there was a Charles Jones. They also think that Henry was not the eldest but the 2nd eldest. Henry was born in 1873 and as John & Ellen were married in 1870 there is time for another child between the two events. The same two cousins believe that he may have ended up in the Newport Area.

We know (thanks to Gloster Boy in Wales) that George and Andrew lived in Newport (as per 1901 census). We are now in contact with a descendant of Andrew but we are still looking for the family of George and his wife Alice.

Can anyone let me know of a local newspaper for Newport so that I may place an advert asking for help please.

Should be pleased to hear from anyone re. birth/marriage/death of Charles and of any further info regarding George.
Many thanks

Gwen Sabin

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