Charles WAIT m Anne JEFFERIES 1868 Flaxley (General)

by ChrisW @, Friday, April 10, 2009, 13:15 (5814 days ago) @ jackiesparkes

Record_ID: 7875
Entry_Number: 192
Year: 1868
Month: Dec
Day: 14
Grooms_Surname: WAIT
Grooms_Forenames: Charles
Grooms_Age: 23
Groom_Condition: Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation: Collier
Grooms_Residence: Flaxley
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: Wait
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: John
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Labourer
Brides_Surname: JEFFRIES
Brides_Forenames: Anne
Brides_Age: 20
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Residence: Flaxley
Brides_Fathers_Surname: Jeffries
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: Emmanuel
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Labourer
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: He signs she marks
Witness_1: William Hale
Witness_2: Mark of Mary Ann Sadler
Officiating_Minister: Edw[ar]d PuttockAssistant Curate
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P145 IN 1/11
Page_Number: 96
Parish_Chapel: Flaxley
Soundex_Groom: W300
Soundex_Bride: J162

Maybe this one? Are you sure about the Down Hatherley bit?!

Record_ID: 74803
Entry_Number: 421
Year: 1865
Month: Jul
Day: 9
Parents_Surname: WAIT
Child_Forenames: Charles
Fathers_Forenames: John
Mothers_Forenames: Eliza
Residence: S[ain]t Whites
Occupation: Collier
Officiating_Minister: T.G.Smythies
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P85/1 IN 1/2
Page_Number: 53
Parish_Chapel: Cinderford St Johns
Soundex: W300

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