Is Redbrook in Glos. or Monmouth (General)

by fredb @, Sunday, April 12, 2009, 01:56 (5813 days ago) @ obd

The Monmouth end of Redbrook, the left hand side of the road leading to Newland comes under the Parish of Dixton Newton, maybe some of the righthand side too, and although that parish is part of the diosese of Hereford it is Monmouth with regard to census. I only know this because it's where my family lived.

In my era Children at this end of Redbrook went to secondary school in Monmouth, but the majority went to Coleford, that may still be true. I would estimate that 10% of Redbrook came under Monmouth in census. The Bush Inn up past Incline farm, The Duffields etc. And if I remember rightly Redbook isn't mentioned very much by name in some Gloucestershire census,luckily Newland is and not the useless East and West Dean. It tends to be all Newland, and it's only the occassional farm or place name that helps pinpoint that it is Redbrook. So if you can't find someone try the Monmouth Census. cheers Fred

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