Printing from the Parish Records - what error message? (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Friday, May 01, 2009, 19:28 (5792 days ago) @ Barbara B


You never told us what the error message was, telling us always helps to resolve problems, my guess it was:

Error: The Website is Linking to Forest of Dean Family History Pages WITHOUT the Owners Permission!

The Printer Friendly script requires your browser to pass on "Referrer Information".

Do you have a "firewall" product running on your PC? Or perhaps some "anonymizer" software which hides your PC from other sites on the net? You will need to disable these for our web site, so you can use this feature.

You can create a rule for our web site only in most software packages, The section that needs to be enabled is "Passing Referrer Information To A Web Site".

Have a read of our Firewall FAQ

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