Sarah EVERETT born c 1781 (General)
I have been searching for Sarah EVERETT without success. I know nothing of her family at all. She was born c 1781 and married a Richard THOMAS at Newnham in 1809. She died in 1826 after the birth of a daughter also called Sarah. The baby died a few months later.
I know they had 5-6 other children, James their 4th child was my ancestor.
I would very much like to find her parents and any help would be most appreciated.
Sarah EVERETT born c 1781
There is a possible Sarah EVERED - baptised 6 February 1786 at Abinghall, parents John and Ann - and a Betty EVERET, (notes BT's spell surname EVERETT) - again Abinghall, 8 February 1784, parents John and Ann.
Sarah EVERETT born c 1781
Thankyou for your reply m p griffiths. Sounds like a good lead and I shall look into this line.