Richard Low(e) 1771-1853 ? parents. (General)
Can anyone help solve the mystery? Who is Richard's parents.
I have found records that show Benjamin and Jane as the parents but also it has been suggested that Richard 1737 - 1816 and Rebecka ( Beddis) 1746- 1808 might have been. Certainly after that the many children have ben named Richard and Rebecka in that Lowe family and none of Richards ancestors have been named Benjamin or Jane.
Thanks Gill
Richard LOW(E) 1771-1853 Blakeney /Awre ?
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, July 09, 2009, 09:04 (5723 days ago) @ Gill
Do you have some more context please ?
Year: 1853
Month: Mar
Day: 12
Surname: LOWE
Forenames: Richard
Residence: Forest of Dean
Age_at_death: 82
Officiating_Minister: J H Malpes Vicar
Event: Burial
Register_Reference: P30 IN 1/10
Page_No: 149
Parish_Chapel: Awre
this marriage is good if your Richard was born and lived in Awre / Blakeney area all his life - is this your Richard ?
1841 Blakeney Woodside
Richard Lowe abt 1776 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Lowe abt 1776 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
1851 England Census HO107/1959; Folio: 340; Page: 15
Blakeney, Woodside
Richard Lowe - Head - Widr - 80 - Agr Lab - Glorshire, East Dean
Marriage: 01 MAY 1769 Awre With Blakeney, Gloucester, England
Extracted marriage record for locality listed in the record.
The source records are usually arranged chronologically by the marriage date.
Source Information:
Batch No.: Dates: Source Call No.: Type: Printout Call No.: Type:
M023301 1754 - 1859 0091512 Film 6911601 Film
Sheet: 00
what little we have seems to rule this one out
Year: 1771
Month: Apr
Day: 7
Parents_Surname: LOWE
Child_Forenames: Richard
Fathers_Forenames: William
Mothers_Forenames: Mary
Officiating_Minister: J[oh]n Ainth Curate
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P210 IN 1/3
Page_Number: 30
Parish_Chapel: Maisemore
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Richard LOW(E) 1771-1853 Blakeney /Awre ?
by pclark , Thursday, July 09, 2009, 11:52 (5723 days ago) @ slowhands
I have Richard Lowe 1771-1853 in my tree and have all his children etc
Willing to help if you need any info
Richard LOW(E) 1771-1853 Blakeney /Awre ?
by Gill , Friday, July 10, 2009, 06:32 (5722 days ago) @ pclark
Thanks slowhands and Pete for your information.
Yes he did live in Awe/ Blakeny and thanks for reminding me to put in all the info. I have.
My information is that Joseph Low 1695-1772 and Anne Lewis or Anne Jones ( ? he married twice) had 3 children;-
William born 1724 - ?
Benjamin 1734 - 1793 married Jane White
Richard 1737 -1816 married Rebecka Beddis 1746-1808
Job 1742- ?
Children of Benjamin and Jane
Elizabeth -1861
Betty 1767-1768
Susannah 1775-
?? Richard 1771
or is he son of
Richard and Rebecka
who's children's names I have are
Elizabeth 1770 -
Josiah 1778 -
Rebecca 1782 - married James Pockett
John 1784 - in 1833 convict on The York to Sydney
Margaret - 1789 married William Adams
William - 1791
Does this match with your list of children Pete?
Family member have searched in the past and have been unable to find which were Richard parents (born 1771) but seemed pretty sure one of them was or have we been linking into the wrong Lowe family?
Thanks for all your help. Gill
Richard Low(e) 1771-1853 ? parents.
by Paul Andrews , Shropshire, England, Friday, July 10, 2009, 10:18 (5722 days ago) @ Gill
Of all the children of Benjamin Lowe/Jane White [including James bap 11/12/1768 Awre with Blakeney] and Richard Lowe/Rebecca Beddis, Richard Lowe (1771-1853) is the only one for whom I have not been able to find a baptismal record.
If Benjamin (1734) and/or Richard (1737) left a will it may help to solve this puzzle.
Richard Low(e) 1771-1853 ? parents.
by pclark , Friday, July 10, 2009, 15:46 (5722 days ago) @ Paul Andrews
PLEASE NOTE ============ Richard was born before the start of civil registration (1837). In 1771 the only official proof of a person being born was the recording of his or her baptism in a church parish register. In Richard's case, no record has (yet) been found of him being baptised, however, all the available evidence points to his parents being Richard Lowe (1737-1816) and Rebecka Beddis (1746-1808). In census data Richard claimed only to have been born in East Dean and gave no indication of any village or hamlet. The actual Forest of Dean at that time was not divided into parishes and settlement within its boundaries was not legal, although increasingly common. It is possible that Viney Woodside was just inside the Forest boundary, although it is close to Blakeney which was in Awre parish. Nothing is known of Richard's life or where he may have lived until the 1841 census was taken, but it should be noted that his eldest son, Richard (b1803), clearly stated in the 1861 census that he was born in Awre. It must be emphasised, therefore, that although there is strong circumstantial evidence, Richard's relationship to his 'parents', 'brothers and sisters' and his 'ancestors' etc is speculative and has no documentary proof. Richard and Elizabeth married at All Saints, Newland, possibly because this was her home parish, although no trace of her baptism has been found in the parish register of that church. Perhaps, like her husband, she was never baptised. In the 1841 census Richard stated his occupation to be Wood Cutter: in the 1851 census he gave his occupation as Agricultural labourer. Whether in fact he was still working at the age of about 80 is impossible to know. Richard's will can be seen at Gloucestershire Records Office and his beneficiaries were his three sons, Richard, William and Joseph. Richard inherited the cottage immediately to the north of Richard's own house in Pig Street, (now known as Pollards Lane) Viney Woodside. The cottage still stands and has a date stone above the front door with 1828 carved into it: this, presumably, is the date that the cottage was constructed. William received an adjoining field, and Joseph inherited his father's own house which also still exists. The documents which accompanied the property transactions can be seen at Gloucester Records Office and it is noticeable that although Richard and Joseph could sign their names, William was illiterate. The name Pig Street arose from the road being used to transport iron bars, known as 'pigs', from the iron works which stood by the brook at the bottom of the lane. Viney Woodside sometimes appears in old documents as Blakeney Woodside. Richard's property ownership entitled him to vote after the 1832 Reform Act was passed, and who he voted for is also recorded because secret ballots did not come into force until 1872
Thanks to Mr R Lowe
Richard Low(e) 1771-1853 ? parents.
by citigal , Saturday, July 11, 2009, 13:26 (5721 days ago) @ pclark
Hi Pete
I am flattered that my brother (R Lowe) has made my research available to a wider audience.
I have been researching the Lowe family for more than 20 years and although I have never been able to find proof of a baptism for Richard Lowe (1771) I have accumulated evidence from other sources that indicate he almost certainly was the son of Richard Lowe and Rebecca Beddis.
Richard Low(e) 1771-1853 ? parents.
by Gill , Sunday, July 12, 2009, 02:20 (5720 days ago) @ citigal
Thank you Citigal for sharing all your information. I am pretty new to genealogy research and have recently taken over the information that my mothers acquired. She is now 97 (nee Lowe from Viney Hill ) Richard 1771 - 1853 would have been her gr gr gr Grand father and some of her information came from her cousin also R Lowe.
Greeting from Gill New Zealand.
Richard Low(e) 1771-1853 ? parents.
by ChrisW , Friday, July 10, 2009, 21:08 (5722 days ago) @ Gill
Hi Gill
Just out of interest, are these people ancestors of Jemima Lowe born 02/06/1811, and baptised at Blakeney Chapel on 23/06/1811?
Her parents were Richard Lowe and Elizabeth Francis.
Jemima married my ancestor William Morse at Newland 10/07/1841.
Richard Low(e) 1771-1853 ? parents.
by pclark , Friday, July 10, 2009, 21:59 (5722 days ago) @ ChrisW
Yes they are her ancestors
Richard Low(e) 1771-1853 ? parents.
by ChrisW , Friday, July 10, 2009, 23:09 (5722 days ago) @ pclark
Richard Low(e) 1771-1853 ? parents.
by pclark , Sunday, July 12, 2009, 10:33 (5720 days ago) @ ChrisW
My Girlfriends Great Gran was a Lowe, so I am doing it for her. I am very greatful to the Lowe researchers for there help and kindness in sharing the info to help me in making sure I am tracing the right family.