Date Translation (General)

by llangrove, Friday, July 10, 2009, 15:43 (5722 days ago)

Would SKS please tanslate the following date from English to American for me?
Thanks! (While I appreciate the CPRd/b is available, I think the transcripts on this site are easier to read...thanks again!)
from Cheshire Parish records DATED 8320518

Date Translation

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Friday, July 10, 2009, 16:43 (5722 days ago) @ llangrove

from Cheshire Parish records DATED 8320518

Did you by any chance miss the number 1 from the beginning of the date?

A common date system is YYYY-MM-DD (doing this way you can sort a list of dates in the correct order)

it would then equate to
18 May 1832 (UK and Australia)
May 18 1832 (USA)

Date Translation

by llangrove, Friday, July 10, 2009, 18:10 (5722 days ago) @ admin

After some "digging" I've found the "fine print"! Your way is better, David! Thanks!

"3.06 DATE (cell):
(a) Years, months, and days are given by a figure of seven numerals in the form YYY/MM/DD, i.e. year/month/day (the year date running from 537 to 870 (i.e. 1538 to 1870, the thousands digit not being shown; the month date from 01 to 12; the day date running from 01 to 31).

(b) An omitted day of the month or month of the year is represented by YYY/MM/00 or YYY/00/DD respectively. The year, because often given in the record only in page or section headings and not repeated in each entry, is very occasionally uncertain (being omitted or lost in a damaged page), and is then given in the transcription as 333/MM/DD.

(c) The seven numerals may appear with or without the slashes (e.g. 808/02/29 or 8080229)."

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