Charlotte BARNARD (General)

by braillemaker, Saturday, July 11, 2009, 10:38 (5721 days ago) @ mcdonald74

Charlotte was the name of Charles & Sarah's eldest child, born 1853 at Lining Wood in the Forest above Mitcheldean.
She married Edwin Davies 11 Aug 1875 and there were 3 children: Kate Edith, Charles William & Albert Sidney.
This Charlotte is my great great-aunt.
I also have a greatx2 great-aunt Charlotte bapt 1832 but she died 1852.
There is a Charlotte 1st cousin 3 times removed born 1847 Windsor Lodge. Her single mother, Hannah, went on to marry Thomas Richardson Howell(s) and later Thomas How.
Then there was Philip & Ellen's daughter Charlotte b. 1843
Charlotte Barnard born 1856 Mitcheldean out of marriage to Elizabeth & William Cooke. Apparently she is my 2nd cousin 3 times removed! She went on to marry Miles Thomas Adams. Her mother Elizabeth married George Carpenter.
Another Charlotte, same relation to me, was born to George Barnard & Ruth Priest c. 1847

Hopefully you'll know enough to rule out most of these?

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