Wm. KNIGHT b Abt.1785 possibly St.Briavels (General)

by maxy, Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 00:06 (5703 days ago)

Wm. KNIGHT m Elizabeth SAUNDERS 17 Nov.1806 res.St.B.Hund.witnesses John LEWIS and Thomas BOND. Widowed May 1807 Westbury on Severn Parish. Married Anne MORGAN 1811 Newland Parish.Issue: Wm.1814,Elizb.1816,Elizb.1819,Thomas 1821.James 1823 all bp.St.Marys Monmouth lived Dixton Gate. Elizb.poss.marriage Edwin LEWIS 1840. I can't find Williams birth.Is anyone researching any of these lines.

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