Oliver Morgan (mis-transcribed as Olive on 1871 census) (General)

by Carole Lewis @, Monday, August 03, 2009, 08:06 (5698 days ago) @ Helenebabette

I think that I have not scrutinised the 1881 Census records enough. I was coming at this information from a different angle to you as I am descended from the child that Eliza had before she married William Morgan. I had initially believed that Harriet was Eliza's child.This website identified Fanny for me but it was Harriet's birth certificate which gave me her full name.

I think that Fanny must have been married to William Morgan. In the parish records it clearly states that he was a widower and there was no law to say a marriage must be registered before I think 1874. (Someone will probably correct me there)

The name probably mistranscribed is Milson not Wilson. It was this name that led me to the Morgans in the first place as I have an uncle Milson who is still alive recognised it early on thinking that it was a family name. It was there in the Morgan family but appears to have been widely used in the forest in the 19th c.

I had Milson as 1 year and Henry as 1 month in the 1881 Census but they could have been twins as they run through my family which has proved useful at times in identification.

I believe that Edith probably lived with William's parents, she is there in the
1881 Census. Edith was alive in 1889 when she was a witness at my great grandmother's wedding in Newcastle. I believe my grandmother had been working as a servant there. Perhaps Edith had too. I can find no record of her marriage or death.
Incidentally,Eliza died in 1897 as a result of "acute partum haemorrhage". She was 44.

William survived until 1924. The certificate gives "senility" as the cause of death.

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