The info we give / find (General)

by fredb @, Tuesday, August 04, 2009, 12:56 (5697 days ago)

Hello - We all have asked for help with finding out details of family etc when researching, and people the likes of Slowhands are back in the blink of an eye with far more than you might have asked for, it's great isn't it.

But I've noticed some names on various county boards seem to always be there asking about someone new, and I began to wonder are these people being paid to research a family and then passing the burden of searching on to us, not so much me, but people like slowhands who clearly enjoy the search.

I've probably paid out several hundred pounds on membership to Ancestry and for certificates to get details, and I enjoy doing it, but it seems to me that sometimes people come to boards to avoid having to do the research themselves, and not all are "innocent" meaning they are told "Don't bother doing all that, ask on the boards and they'll tell you everything you want to know, and it won't cost you a penny"

I have no idea really why I'm posting this, it's not such a problem here is it?
I suppose it's simply down to good will and trust, as I'm stuck at home following an operation at the moment I spent more than half a day helping someone recently, she was lost and it gave me something to do, I even used up my left over 1911 credits and then thought of someone else I wanted to know about Grrrr. cheers Fred

The info we give / find

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Tuesday, August 04, 2009, 13:12 (5697 days ago) @ fredb


Firstly - I wish you a speedy recovery

Secondly - Let me try to "label" users of the board -

a/ Generally the users seem "100%" and thankful of the help they get.

b/ Some users are perhaps a little lazy or economic with information in a request :-)

c/ Others simply pose a question or two and never reply.

d/ Occasionaly we get a question, it is answered, and then a response along the lines of "I knew all that".

e/ I have "caught" at least one semi-professional researcher using this board to breakdown a brickwall. Should I charge for my time ?

Bottom line - here to help / assist / challenge - hopefully it is taken in a positive way - based on local knowledge and experience


Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

The info we give / find

by Reanne, Tuesday, August 04, 2009, 13:13 (5697 days ago) @ fredb

Hope your feeling better Fred after your operation.

I get what your stating, for me its a personal quest to seek out where I am from and how my ancestors lived and worked. I am collecting all the information I can and will compile a family tree book which I can then leave to my children to add to as the family grows even more.

Just thought I'd comment.


The info we give / find

by pclark @, Tuesday, August 04, 2009, 13:36 (5697 days ago) @ Reanne


How much info of our ancestors we give out is down to us,also how much help you give out is also down to us.
Mostly I will help as much as possible,but sometimes you take a step back and think about it ,and then reply as you see fit.
If maybe you think someone is taking the biscuit you just answer the question posed and do not over elaborate the answer.

But always be polite and respectful.


The info we give / find

by bertha, Tuesday, August 04, 2009, 14:13 (5697 days ago) @ fredb

To be honest I don't mind whether people are being 'lazy' or they're being paid to find information, I'm just glad to help anyone I can, if I can.
I do agree totally with Slowhands though, in that one big bugbear is people will post 'ANY information gladly received' then you spend hours getting the information, then when you post it, they turn around and say they already have it!

Finding new ways to spell Vaughan every day!

The info we give / find

by Carole Lewis @, Tuesday, August 04, 2009, 18:17 (5697 days ago) @ bertha

I think people say that they already knew things because they do not want to appear silly when faced with things they realise they could have found themselves.

The info we give / find

by tentoes @, Tuesday, August 04, 2009, 20:27 (5696 days ago) @ Carole Lewis

As a humble beginner I personally have found the guidance offered by the Forum an immense help.

It would be a real shame to put people off being brave enough to ask for help.

Having just spent the weekend in the Forest, using resources in the local library, visiting the miners memorial at New fancy,and a brief stop at the GFHS family history centre - this has helped to answer many questions, but also thrown up many new ones.

I for one am very grateful to slowhands for the guidance he has offered.

The info we give / find

by alison2 @, Tuesday, August 04, 2009, 20:22 (5696 days ago) @ bertha

When I first started researching my Family Tree, I received help after posting Questions on the Forum, which I appreciated very much. I now enjoy helping others if I can.



The info we give / find

by tonyjenkins @, Wednesday, August 05, 2009, 20:13 (5695 days ago) @ alison2

Hi All

I feel I must respond to this mesage and also thank everyone who has helped me research my family, their position in the community, and the industry of our great and unique area.

I also get concerned about not only professionals pinching our hard work but also those people seeking a quick answer to extending their tree without completing or indeed confirming any links. For this reason I have recently transferred my Ancestry tree from public to private.

I have no objections to helping anyone interested in my family but do object to fellow Ancestry members copying my hard work without so much as a comment or acknowledgement.

My best wishes and thanks to all

Tony Jenkins

The info we give / find

by John Rudge, Thursday, August 06, 2009, 00:05 (5695 days ago) @ fredb

Hi Fred
You were a great help to me years ago. Thanks again.

My mom told me to "do what you can and let the rest go
you'll be better for it."


The info we give / find

by fredb @, Thursday, August 06, 2009, 10:46 (5695 days ago) @ John Rudge

I wondered if this would get one response, great comments, and it looks like we are all happy to help even if in the back of our minds we might feel we are being used. It is nice when someone helps you out isn't it, a guy on the Cheshire boards found two marriages for me before 1837 which I would never have found, and a guy sent me a census for Wellington, Shropshire dated 1821, and I found two of my families on there, so like all of you I've asked for help.

cheers Fred

The info we give / find

by kiwiceltic @, New Zealand, Thursday, August 06, 2009, 12:06 (5695 days ago) @ fredb

For me personally, I stumbled on this site by accident. All I had was my four gt gt grandparents, two lots of gt grandparents and a grandmother and a location in The FOD, Now I have found so many more generations back and living family still with ties to The FOD all with the help of Slowhands and many more wonderful people on here. It's given me many hours of immense pleasure to discovery my FOD heritage, plus a very bad case of itchy feet to come visit The FOD.

The info we give / find

by fredb @, Thursday, August 06, 2009, 17:16 (5695 days ago) @ kiwiceltic

Kiwi - My post wasn't meant to make anyone feel uncomfortable about asking for help, sorry if it does. Nothing can beat local knowlege, a mis-spelt name is spotted easily by people living there. The same with surnames, transcribers like researchers are often overseas, and possibly not old enough to have written with a pen dipped in ink, which was compulsory for me, and I made a real mess. And the way capital letters are elaborated is an art. I still tend to write my capital F's backwards, and my T's like that F but with no middle bar, and I had to explain to someone recently that the S was in fact how I write a capital I. I'm sure we have all had that "eurika" moment when the writing on a birth certificate suddenly makes sense. How could my great grandfathers name be Susan? Scanned, blown up, enhanced, what the hell does it say? It turned out to be Isaac, and it didn't make things any better when I asked my brother "What do you think that name is?" he screwed his face up a bit and said "Isaac" 20 seconds and it took me hours. LOL. cheers fred

The info we give / find

by kiwiceltic @, New Zealand, Friday, August 07, 2009, 04:18 (5694 days ago) @ fredb

lol Fred I didn't feel uncomfortable by ur thread m8, infact I reckon you were spot on with what you said, as I have found when I given some ppl information or helped in treeing I felt like I was either sounding a know all or even a noob or newbie. If It wasn't for you guys I would never of come to know my FOD Famies who remained behind here. I am in awre of all you who have the insight and wisdom to share and pass on your great knowledge and I truelly respect all that you wonderful ppl have done and are doing to preserve our past generations for our future generations and beyond for all time. What you all are doing is a great access you all are helping to preserve history. As I live way down here at the bottom of the world and hope some day to visit The FOD, you all are my links to my ancestors and I am indeed indebted to you all for the many hours etc you give so freely in helping us all to achieve a accurate account of our past. Without all your mighty help I would be foundering and staring at a blank A4 paper and completely bald and probably mad as a snake twiddling my thumbs and going around in circles looking for openings to closed doors.
So cheers and huge hugs to all you wonderful great family historians, from one very greatful kiwi chick, becuase you found me Ivan, Barbara, Catherine, David H, David R, Cherryl, Richard J, Amanda and Robyn my FOD families.
I am so proud of my FOD Heritage, my journey has just begun and will only be complete when I am able to walk in The Forest of Dean myself, I then will know I am truelly home.

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