Hoare Family - Doward/Whitchurch (General)

by derekyoung, Thursday, August 06, 2009, 12:00 (5695 days ago)

Searching for a Bert Hoare brother of Emma Hoare (who later married George William Young of Walford). He may have been listed as Albert or Bertrum Hoare. Cannot find any trace of him in National Archives, census etc. I know that he existed because I stayed with him when I was a young lad. He was signalman at Chalford Station in Glos. He was always known as Uncle Bert. He lived in Chalford and, I assume that he died in Chalford. Emma Hoare was born in Whitchurch in 1877 and her father I have listed as George Hoare born 1853 and Married to Elizabeth ?

If anyone can help then I would be pleased to hear from them.

Derek Young

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