Enoch SELBY 1851 - 1912 - Inquest (General)

by selbyfamily @, Friday, August 07, 2009, 10:55 (5694 days ago) @ slowhands

As far as we know the accident took place in the Forest somewhere. He married Sarah (his second wife) in London in 1896 as on the 1891 Census she was a cook working for a pawnbroker and his family in Hampstead but was actually born St Briavels so that is presumably how he knew her. They had seven children before Enoch died in 1912. In all the Censuses from 1851-1911, Enoch is living at Hewelsfield so why he went to London to marry Sarah, I don't know. I have done all the family history as regards the facts but it is the stories in between which are eluding me at the moment. Hopefully we might find out more about the death when we visit a relative in the Forest next week.

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