Robert WILSE b about 1710 (General)

by Diane Reynolds, Monday, August 10, 2009, 21:49 (5690 days ago)

Ann WILSE b abt 1730 is in my family tree. She married George Marshall in 1756 in Awre. I understand her father to be Robert Wilse b about 1710? Does anyone have any more details on Robert WILSE and any evidence that he is her father? Many thanks.

Robert WILSE b about 1710

by m p griffiths @, Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 08:48 (5690 days ago) @ Diane Reynolds

The baptisms transcript details are on the FOD Parish Records

Ann WILSE christened Awre 16 August 1730 - Father Richard

Richard - 1723
Anne - 1730 (first Anne daughter of Richard buried 19 May 1728 Awre)
Martha - 1732
Margaret - 1734
Hannah - 1737

Anne WILSE (widow possibly of John) buried 17 May 1728 Awre

Also on FOD Records a possible ???

Richardus WYELESS - married Susanna TYCKELL of Saul

Gloucester Cathedral - 17 August 1720

Robert WILSE b about 1710

by Diane Reynolds, Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 17:24 (5689 days ago) @ m p griffiths

Thanks for this, I find this site excellent. If Richard Wilse did have a son in 1723, then I probably have his date of birth wrong! Having looked up his son's record I think you may be right on the marriage being in 1720 but it's not that certain. However I can't find a baptism that would fit for him from around 1695 onwards.

Robert WILSE b about 1710

by m p griffiths @, Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 18:21 (5689 days ago) @ Diane Reynolds

There was a baptism in Goodrich of

Richard WILSE - 10 June 1688 - parents Anthony & Johan

You could also use the 'wild card' to go through the FOD records for a Richard baptised +/- 5/10 years Various surnames i.e. WEAL/WALLIN/WALLWYN/WYSHAM amongst other are all on the Parish Records.

Robert WILSE b about 1710

by Diane Reynolds, Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 18:54 (5689 days ago) @ m p griffiths

After I replied to you I widened the date range and found the 1688 birth of Richard Wilse. It looks quite likely that it could be him, given that Goodrich is only just over the border into Herefordshire. It's still only an educated guess though!

WILSE (Forum)/Men in Armour 1608

by m p griffiths @, Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 22:35 (5689 days ago) @ Diane Reynolds

Have you 'Searched Forum' for WILSE/WILCE as there are previous messages regarding this Surname?

'Men & Armour for Gloucestershire 1608' A Muster Roll of all the able and sufficient men in body for his Majesty's Service in the Wars within the County of Gloucester - useful to locate family groups (or whether the Surname or Variants were in Gloucestershire) + information on age/location etc.

Gives residence + a key reference i.e.

Key 1 = 20 years, 2 = 40 years, 3 = 60 years. p = tall enough for Pikeman. m - tall enough for musketeer (middle size). ca - calyver (lower size) etc.

WILSE (Forum)

by Diane Reynolds, Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 22:42 (5689 days ago) @ m p griffiths

I did the other day but wasn't certain of a connection. I may try again tomorrow. Thanks for your help. I realised that I had asked for help originally on Robert Wilse when I meant Richard! Sometimes this gets confusing.

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