I have this gentleman in my tree, He married Charlotte Helen Lauder. His occupation is Clerk in Holy Orders.
Whilst looking at a burial of another ancestor Herbert Henry Shillam 1932. I noticed the Officiating Minister was T A Ryder.
So now I am interested in finding more out about T A Ryder, but don't know where to start.
I know he was born in Westbury on Severn as his baptism is listed on here and have found a death for Charlotte in the Stroud District in the 1970s
Record_ID: 97596
Entry_Number: 194
Year: 1933
Month: Feb
Day: 27
Grooms_Surname: RYDER
Grooms_Forenames: Thomas Arthur
Grooms_Age: 30
Groom_Condition: Bachelor
Grooms_Occupation: Clerk in Holy Orders
Grooms_Residence: The Beeches Aylburton
Grooms_Fathers_Surname: Ryder
Grooms_Fathers_Forenames: Thomas Edwin
Grooms_Fathers_Occupation: Fruit grower decd
Brides_Surname: LAUDER
Brides_Forenames: Charlotte Helen
Brides_Age: 24
Brides_Condition: Spinster
Brides_Residence: Old Park
Brides_Fathers_Surname: Lauder
Brides_Fathers_Forenames: James
Brides_Fathers_Occupation: Estate Agent
Licence_or_Banns: Banns
Signature_or_Mark: Both sign
Witness_1: Thomas James Lauder
Witness_2: Agnes Lauder
Officiating_Minister: L P Jones Vicar
Event: Marriage
Register_Reference: P209 IN1/19
Page_Number: 97
Parish_Chapel: Lydney
Soundex_Groom: R360
Soundex_Bride: L360
Thomas Arthur RYDER 1902 - (1970 ish) Yorkley Parson
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Friday, August 14, 2009, 08:27 (5687 days ago) @ pclark
Name: Thomas Arthur Ryder
Year of Registration: 1902
Quarter of Registration: Apr-May-Jun
District: Westbury On Severn
County: Gloucestershire
Volume: 6a
Page: 299
Year: 1902
Month: Apr
Day: 4
Parents_Surname: RYDER
Child_Forenames: Thomas Arthur
Fathers_Forenames: Thomas Edwin
Mothers_Forenames: Edith
Residence: Westbury Village
Occupation: Grocer
Officiating_Minister: Leonard Wilkinson Vicar
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: Born 1902 March 16th
Register_Reference: P354 IN 1/18
Page_Number: 13
Parish_Chapel: Westbury on Severn
Name: . T. A Ryder
Address: Yorkley
Exchange: parsonage
Directory title: Norwich / Cambridge / Essex / East Suffolk / East Hertfordshire / South Midland / Guildford / Brighton / Tunbridge Wells / Canterbury / Southampton / Portsmouth / Bournemouth / Bristol / Exeter / Plymouth / South Wales / Gloucester
Publication Year: 1936
<< << << <<
Portrait of Gloucestershire by Thomas Arthur Ryder
Hale, 1966
Mother earth by Thomas Arthur Ryder
Hutchinson's Scientific and Technical Publications, 1947
The right way to efficient thinking, reasoning and conversation . by Thomas Arthur Ryder
A. G. Elliot, 1949
Searchlight on morals. by Thomas Arthur Ryder
Watts, 1953
Psychology and you. by Thomas Arthur Ryder
Elliott, 1960
Portrait of Gloucestershire by Thomas Arthur Ryder
Hale, 1969
Efficient thinking, reasoning and conversation. by Thomas Arthur Ryder
Elliot, 1963
You can be a local councillor by Thomas Arthur Ryder
Elliot, 1955
Mid-Gloucestershire through the ages. by Thomas Arthur Ryder
Littlebury & Co, 1951
Gloucestershire through the ages. by Thomas Arthur Ryder
Littlebury, 1950
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Thomas Arthur RYDER 1902 - (1970 ish)
by pclark , Friday, August 14, 2009, 08:31 (5687 days ago) @ slowhands
Hi Slowhands,
What can one say,
Looks like I am going to do some reading
Thomas Arthur RYDER 1902 - (1970 ish) - more information
by mjpurton, Wednesday, November 04, 2009, 17:55 (5605 days ago) @ pclark
Hi Pete,
Have you found out any more information about Thomas Ryder?
I came across your message while looking up references to scientific papers on fossil corals by T A Ryder in 1926-1927. I think this must be the same T A Ryder in your family tree.
I am currently working, on a voluntary basis, cataloguing a collection of geological specimens donated to the Gloucestershire Geology Trust by the Rednock School, Dursley. Part of this collection comprised thin sections of fossil corals (wrapped in 1927 newspaper) which had the initials of the initial collectors on them - SS, FBAW and TAR. I believe these refer to Stanley Smith, 1883-1955 (senior lecturer at Bristol University - try Googling Stanley Smith: Obituary: History: Earth Sciences: Bristol University), Francis Brian Awburn Welch, 1903-1987 (geologist with several publications on the geology of S W England) and T A Ryder, (joint author with Stanley Smith of a 1926 paper on 'The genus Corwenia, gen. nov'; try Googling 'Corwenia; T A Ryder' to find the reference).
My conclusion is that FBAW and TAR were probably research students together at Bristol University under Stanley Smith. I can find no further geological references for T A Ryder. Could this be explained by his entering the church?
My next discovery was from the Lydney Grammar School Magazine for Summer 1958 under the heading School Chess Club:
"The Club has history. It was founded in in 1934 and in 1936 membership numbered twenty-four. The first match was played by a School and Staff team organised by Mr B J Emery which included his son and the Reverend Dr T A Ryder.
In 1936 the Lydney Chess Club was formed by Dr Ryder, Mr Emery and Mr Pitt. Many of the school players in this and the club competed in the North Gloucester League".
Following this I found a web page for the St George's Mothers Union at Cam, near Dursley, in which it was stated that "the oldest recosrds of the branch date from 1937. The vicar (Dr T A Ryder) presided ... and his wife was a committee member. [I am unable to re-find this].
I have also checked the records of the Cotteswold Naturalists' Field Club and have found that the Rev T A Ryder, B.Sc, Ph.D, of The Vicarage, Cam, Glos was recorded as a member for 1934-1941 and 1952-1956. I assume that this indicates a move from Yorkley to Cam and that the B.Sc and Ph.D were the result of his studies at Bristol University. My main interest in this period is the possibility that he donated the geolocal specimens to the Dursley Grammar School/Rednock School during this time. The evidence for all this is circumstantial but the more I get, the more I believe it to be true.
If Thomas Ryder stayed in the area, this would explain the recording of his wife's death in Stroud.
I think that this all adds another dimension to your relation and I would not be surprised to learn about more aspects of this remarkable man.
Mike Purton
Thomas Arthur RYDER 1902 - (1970 ish) - Crockford's Director
by mjpurton, Thursday, November 05, 2009, 16:50 (5604 days ago) @ mjpurton
Hi Pete,
I have received from the Lambeth Palace Library extracts from the 1969-70 and 1980-82 editions of Crockford's Clerical Directory relating to Thomas Arthur Ryder. The relevant details are as follows:
1902 Born
1924 B.Sc (1st class) Bristol University
1927 Ph.D Bristol University
1929 Kings College London [presumably training for the ministry]
1929 Ordained as Deacon
1930 Ordained as Priest Gloucester
1929-33 Curate at Lydney with Aylburton
1933-37 Curate at Parkend
1937-70 Vicar of Cam
The 1969-70 extract records an additional book: Weather Whys by Thomas Arthur Ryder.
The assumption is that he retired in 1970 and his address in the 1980-82 extract is given as 2a Upthorpe, Cam, Dursley, Glos.
The entry in the 1980-82 extract may not necessarily mean that he was alive then; it could be that his death had not been reported to Crockford's Directory.
Mike Purton
Thomas RYDER Emmings Farm, Elton 1842 - 1914
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Friday, August 14, 2009, 08:45 (5687 days ago) @ pclark
Year: 1842
Month: Apl
Day: 4
Parents_Surname: RIDER
Child_Forenames: Thomas
Fathers_Forenames: Thomas
Mothers_Forenames: Anne
Residence: Westbury
Occupation: Farmer
Officiating_Minister: TM Wetherell Curate
Event: Baptism
Memoranda: Received into the Church May 8th
Notes: In this record a surname was not clear so the best guess was given
Register_Reference: P354 IN 1/14
Page_Number: 36
Parish_Chapel: Westbury on Severn
Name: Thomas Ryder
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1843
Year of Registration: 1914
Quarter of Registration: Jan-Feb-Mar
Age at Death: 71
District: Westbury On Severn
County: Gloucestershire
Volume: 6a
Page: 377
Re THOMAS RYDER, Deceased.
Pursuant to the Act of Parliament of the 2<ind and
23rd Viet., c. 35.
"VTOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and
J_i other persons having any debts, claims, or
demands against the estate of Thomas Ryder, late of
Emmings Farm, Elton, Westbury-on-Severn,
Glos, .in the county of Gloucester, deceased (who
died on the 19th day of March, 1914, and whose will
was proved in the Gloucester District Registry of
the Probate Division of His Majesty's High Court of
Justice on the 30th July, 1914, by George Evans
New, the executor therein named), are hereby required
to send in the particulars of their debts, claims, or
demands to the undersigned, on .or before the 22nd
day of September, 1914, after which date the executor
will proceed to distribute the assets of the said
deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims and demands of which he
shall then have had notice; and he will'not be liable
for the assetsi of the said deceased, or any part
thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of
whose debts, claims, or demands he shall not then
have had notice.—Dated this llth day of August,
MAURICE F. CARTER, Solicitor, Newnham,
027 Glos.
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Thomas RYDER Emmings Farm, Elton 1842 - 1914
by pclark , Friday, August 14, 2009, 11:38 (5687 days ago) @ slowhands
Have found reference to him in Crockford Clerical directory 1932.
Thomas Arthur Ryder
by m p griffiths , Wednesday, November 04, 2009, 19:00 (5605 days ago) @ pclark
There is a death registered in CHELTENHAM District - Jan/Feb/March Qtr 1981 of
Thomas Arthur RYDER - date of birth 16 March 1902
(which ties up with 'Slowhands' birth April/May/June Qtr 1902 Westbury on Severn)
I do have a copy of T A Ryder's book (first edition - 1966 reprinted Edition 1976) - which I've hunted out of the bookcase.....
Portrait of Gloucestershire - which says this 'About the Author' on the back inside cover.
T A Ryder comes of a family that has farmed in Gloucestershire for over four hundred years. A Fellow of the Geological Society of London, he has also been Chairman of the Gloucestershire branch of the Council for the Preservation of Rural England. He has written several books about the County and on other subjects, appeared on TV broadcasts, and lectures for Bristol University and the W.E.A. He is at present Vicar of Cam.
Front inside covers......
Gloucestershire contains within its boundaries more geological variety than any other English county. This gives rise to many types of soil and consequent variety of scenery, flora, fauna and natural resources, all of which have influenced the county's history and its present state. .......... the early chapters, describe the geological and historical events that have moulded the county and produced the Gloucestershire of today......
He says....
"I was born in Westbury-on-Severn and lived there as a boy on my father's farm. Incidentally, my family has farmed in that same parish for well over four hundred years. From the highest part of the farm we looked over the greater part of the country - in fact, all that could be seen lay within it. The farm lay on the outer eastern slope of the Forest of Dean which rose behind us, capped by Chestnuts Wood, near Littledean, and the tree-tufted hill erroneously called the Roman Camp, but which was actually a much later earthwork constructed as to look-out in the twelfth century of the defences of Gloucester, to warn maybe, of Welsh raiding parties"
Although my x Great Uncle the Rev W S Wickenden wasn't a well known Author from Etloe, T A Ryder did include him in this particular book, and quoted one of his poems describing the Severn Bore thus:
And see, hoarse Boreas shakes the craggy shore,
And circling eddies mark the whitening bore,
And wave impelled by wave, tremendous sound
And like a deluge whelms the hissing ground
(think my old English Teacher would have told William - too many and's....)
T A Ryder, also talks about a Fred Archer, whose racing career has never been surpassed. He was born in Cheltenham, in 1857, but when he was two years old his family moved to Prestbury, where his father became the landlord of the Kings Arms Inn, hence the plaque on one of the walls there which bears this inscription.
At this Prestbury inn lived Fred Archer the jockey,
Who trained upon toast, Cheltenham water and toffee
The shoe of his pony, hangs up in the bar,
Where they drink to his prowess from near and from far,
But the man in the street passes by without knowledge
That 'twas here Archer swallowed his earliest porridge
He mentions a churchyard at Lydney with a small memorial stone....
Here a pretty baby lies
Sung asleep with lullabies
Pray be silent and not stir
The easy earth that covers her
Thomas Arthur Ryder
by pclark , Thursday, November 05, 2009, 21:01 (5604 days ago) @ m p griffiths
Good evening everyone.
i am truly amazed at such wonderful responses.
At the moment I have not had the time to collate any information regarding T A Ryder as I have been working on a very rough project on the names listed on the Aylburton WW1 war memorial.
Hopefully I will be able with the guidance of the Administrator to be able to post the findings on this site.
It seems that I am going to be busy researching T A Ryder a great deal and am sure I may be lucky in uncovering some more family deatails.
Many thanks to those who have took the time in replying.
Will be in touch soon
Best Regards