My mother Amy Badham was born at Ross on Wye in 1903.
When she was talking about her childhood there, she often talked about the 'Gentry' at the Big House.
Does anyone know where the Big House was and who the family would have been that lived there, please?
Thanks janfran
Gentry at Ross on Wye
by m p griffiths , Saturday, August 15, 2009, 18:59 (5685 days ago) @ janfran
1901 Census
2 Berryfields Terrace, Ross on Wye
Owen BADHAM - 36 - Miller Rollerman Flour Mill, born Walford Hfdshire
Emily BADHAM - 39 born Walford
Gertrude -16 born Walford
Elsie - 13 born Walford
Elizabeth - 11 - born Walford
Mary - 6 - born Ross
Ethel - 4 - born Ross
On the 1901 census, they are listed on the same page, next door but one on the census (not sure which way the Enumerator walked) to this family your Mother could have talked about....
SPRINGFIELDS HOUSE (checking back - the VERSCHOYLE's are there on the 1881 & (1891 census - Robert - late Captain in the H.M. 11th Hussars)
Robert H VERSCHOYLE age 65, a Retired Army Officer born Ireland
Gertrude - wife age 48 born India (nee Gertrude Mary WALKER)
Lucy - Daughter - age 19 born Ross
Henry - Son - age 13 born Ross
Henry BULL - age 23, School Tutor - born Barnstable, Devon
4 Servants
Kate BROWN - 26, Parlourmaid, born Bewdley
Catherine REEVES - age 20 Cook, born Upton Bishop
Bertha LANE - age 20 - Housemaid -
Caroline LORD - age 16, Kitchen Maid
Verschoyle Gardens (on the net) appears to be an residential area now on Ross on Wye
Ross-on-Wye - Brampton Street web site shows a photograph of the Gateway to what was Springfield House.
If you look on the web site WIKIPEDIA The Free Enclylopedia. This gives a potted history of this (Irish Gentry) family
1911 Census - Ross
Owen BADHAM age 46
Emily BADHAM age 49
Ethel BADHAM age 14
Ada BADHAM age 9
Amy BADHAM - age 7
1911 Census - Ross
Robert - 75
Gertrude - 61
Lucy - 29
Gentry at Ross on Wye
by janfran , Sunday, August 16, 2009, 10:37 (5685 days ago) @ m p griffiths
Thank you so much for your reply.
That is quite fascinating,
I didn't realise that they were so close.
I recall my mother saying that they had gifts at Christmas, I think of some sort of meat!
I have a letter written to me by an old Aunt (92 at the time) I think in the late 1980's, there isn't a date unfortunately.
In this letter she says she had been to visit Berryfield Terrace, but it was now 'all houses' but she was pleased to see where her father (Owen) had half a field as his garden, where he grew vegetables etc, it was now a playing field.
Some time ago I had contact with the Wyenot website to ask if Berryfields was still there.
I was told by the gentleman who runs the site, who is a postman, that it isn't there now under the name of Berryfields?
My sister who is 80 seems to think that the cottages are still there as she visited a few years ago.
I will certainly go onto the links that you have given me.
Thank you for your interest.
Gentry at Ross on Wye
by petrina , Sunday, August 16, 2009, 16:10 (5684 days ago) @ janfran
Yes Berryfield Cottages are still there. Springfield farm was built on in the early 1970's, the last family to live there was Stanley Little's family. There are a lot of houses & flats there now, with one road called Verscoyle Gardens.
Springfield, nr Ross on Wye
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Sunday, August 16, 2009, 19:51 (5684 days ago) @ petrina
< Greytree - Over Ross>
co ords 359900 224800
This area of Ross used to be known as Springfield To the west of Brampton Road was the site of Springfield House, which was a large Manor House, which was demolished when this area was redeveloped and Vaga Crescent and Oaklands etc where built.
.. not forgetting the A40 Ross By-pass !
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Springfield, nr Ross on Wye
by janfran , Monday, August 17, 2009, 10:46 (5684 days ago) @ slowhands
Thank you for all your information.
It is nice to know that the cottages are still there.
Unfortunatley I wasn't thinking about family history while my mother was still alive.
She would have been a mine of information.
They left Ross for Birmingham in about 1916.
I seem to think there was some problem re my Grandfather regarding some money, from some club or organisation?
Or was it because the Mill closed?
I would be interested to know when that ceased working as a mill and whether the Mill buildings are still there.
Thank you again