Gentry at Ross on Wye (General)

by janfran @, Sunday, August 16, 2009, 10:37 (5685 days ago) @ m p griffiths

Thank you so much for your reply.
That is quite fascinating,
I didn't realise that they were so close.
I recall my mother saying that they had gifts at Christmas, I think of some sort of meat!
I have a letter written to me by an old Aunt (92 at the time) I think in the late 1980's, there isn't a date unfortunately.
In this letter she says she had been to visit Berryfield Terrace, but it was now 'all houses' but she was pleased to see where her father (Owen) had half a field as his garden, where he grew vegetables etc, it was now a playing field.
Some time ago I had contact with the Wyenot website to ask if Berryfields was still there.
I was told by the gentleman who runs the site, who is a postman, that it isn't there now under the name of Berryfields?
My sister who is 80 seems to think that the cottages are still there as she visited a few years ago.
I will certainly go onto the links that you have given me.
Thank you for your interest.

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