Fanny TAYLOR born c1859 (General)
by Jo Treby, Tuesday, August 18, 2009, 21:32 (5682 days ago)
According to my late mother her grandmother Fanny was the daughter of a toll keeper in the Forest of Dean I have managed to locate Fanny (born C1859) who married Samuel Taylor (born C1855) but I have not got a maiden name for Fanny.
They had moved to West Bromwich by the time their son Thomas Taylor was born in 1879. If any one can help me then please contact me via this forum.
Thank you.
Fanny TAYLOR born c1859
by ChrisW , Tuesday, August 18, 2009, 22:06 (5682 days ago) @ Jo Treby
A possible on FreeBMD?
Marriages Dec 1876
Birchall Joseph W Bromwich 6b 1246
GRINATE Fanny W Bromwich 6b 1246
GRINATH Fanny W. Bromwich 6b 1246
TAYLOR Samuel W. Bromwich 6b 1246
Whitehouse Maria W. Bromwich 6b 1246
This one maybe?
Births Dec 1858
Grinnoth Fanny Westbury 6a 188
Fanny TAYLOR born c1859
by Jo Treby, Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 08:13 (5682 days ago) @ ChrisW
Hi Chris
Thanks for the information, I will be following that up and will let you know if I find Fanny.
Jo. T
Fanny TAYLOR nee GRINHOF / GRENHAF/ GRINHAF (etc) born c1859
by slowhands , proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 08:20 (5682 days ago) @ Jo Treby
Year: 1832
Month: Apr
Day: 1
Parents_Surname: GOODE
Child_Forenames: Fanny
Fathers_Forenames: John
Mothers_Forenames: Anne
Residence: Abinghall
Occupation: Laborer [sic]
Officiating_Minister: Henry Davies
Event: Baptism
Register_Reference: P1 IN 1/7
Page_Number: 30
Parish_Chapel: Abenhall
Name: James Grinhaf
Name:Fanny Goode
Year of Registration: 1854
Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec
District: Gloucester (1837-1937)
County: Gloucestershire
Volume: 6a
Page: 530
Elizabeth Archer abt 1788 West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England Head West Bromwich, Staffordshire
Fanny Grenhaff abt 1833 Mitchobden, Gloucestershire, England Wife West Bromwich, Staffordshire
Mary A Grenhaff abt 1852 Longhope, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Bromwich, Staffordshire
Samuel Grenhaff abt 1856 Draybrook, Gloucestershire, England Son West Bromwich, Staffordshire
Catharine Grenhaff abt 1858 Draybrook, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Bromwich, Staffordshire
Fanny Grenhaff abt 1859 Draybrook, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Bromwich, Staffordshire
Elizabeth Grenhaff abt 1860 West Bromwich, Staffordshire, England Daughter West Bromwich, Staffordshire
1871 West Bromwich
James Greenhaff 44
Fanny Greenhaff 40
Samuel Greenhaff 15
Cathrine Greenhaff 13
Elizabeth Greenhaff 10
Jane Greenhaff 6
William Greenhaff
James Greenhaff abt 1827 Gloucestershire, England Head West Bromwich, Staffordshire
Fanny Greenhaff abt 1831 Mitche Dane, Gloucestershire, England Wife West Bromwich, Staffordshire
Mary Greenhaff abt 1853 Mitche Dane, Gloucestershire, England Daughter West Bromwich, Staffordshire
Samuel Greenhaff abt 1855 Mitche Dane, Gloucestershire, England Son West Bromwich, Staffordshire
William Greenhaff abt 1867 W B, Staffordshire, England Son West Bromwich, Staffordshire
Fanny Greenhaff abt 1832 Mitchell Dene, Gloucestershire, England Head Harborne, Staffordshire
Mary Greenhaff abt 1854 Mitchell Dene, Gloucestershire, England Daughter Harborne, Staffordshire
William Greenhaff abt 1867 Smethwick, Staffordshire, England Son Harborne, Staffordshire
Name: Fanny Greenhaff
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1831
Year of Registration: 1891
Quarter of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec
Age at Death: 60
District: Kings Norton (To 1912)
County: Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire
Volume: 6c
Page: 286
1841 [GRINHAF] Ruardean Hill
Thos Grinker Jr. abt 1806 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire Coal miner
Mary Grinker abt 1806 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Jas Grinker abt 1826 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Saml Grinker abt 1827 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Richd Grinker abt 1828 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Josh Grinker abt 1830 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Catharine Grinker abt 1832 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Wm Grinker abt 1834 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
John Grinker abt 1836 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Hannah Grinker abt 1838 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Thos Grinker abt 1840 Gloucestershire, England Dean Forest, Gloucestershire
Thomas Greenough abt 1802 St Nicholas, Gloucestershire, England Head East Dean, Gloucestershire
Mary Greenough abt 1803 St Nicholas, Gloucestershire, England Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Catherine Greenough abt 1832 St Nicholas, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
Thomas Greenough abt 1841 Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Elizabeth Greenough abt 1844 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Daughter East Dean, Gloucestershire
George Greenough abt 1846 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
Joseph Harris abt 1801 St Nicholas, Gloucestershire, England Wife's Brother (Brother-in-law) East Dean, Gloucestershire
Thomas Greenhaff abt 1801 St Catherine, Gloucestershire, England Head East Dean, Gloucestershire Ag Lab
Mary Greenhaff abt 1803 St Catherine, Gloucestershire, England Wife East Dean, Gloucestershire
Thomas Greenhaff abt 1843 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
George Greenhaff abt 1847 East Dean, Gloucestershire, England Son East Dean, Gloucestershire
1871 ( Ruardean Hill / Drybrook area)
Thomas Grinhox [GRENHOF ]73 Small Farmer
Mary Grinhox 71
Fanny Grinhox 12
Joseph Greenhalf abt 1830 Gloucestershire, England Head Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire Coal Miner
Mary Greenhalf abt 1831 Gloucestershire, England Wife Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Arthur Greenhalf abt 1864 Gloucestershire, England Son Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Thomas Greenhalf abt 1801 Gloucestershire, England Father Westbury On Severn - East Dean, Gloucestershire
Year: 1885
Month: Aug
Day: 20
Forenames: Thomas
Residence: Mynyddylswyn
Age_at_death: 93
Officiating_Minister: William Barker Vicar
Event: Burial
Cause_of_death: [not sta
Memoranda: Name is annotated NY
Register_Reference: P109 IN 1/12
Page_No: 195
Parish_Chapel: Drybrook
Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>
Thomas Greenhaf/Greenhaff born Gloucester circa 1800
by unknown, Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 11:55 (4512 days ago) @ slowhands
Trying to trace father of Thomas Greenhaff abt 1801 St Catherine, Gloucestershire, East Dean Gloucestershire
by m p griffiths , Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 13:22 (4512 days ago) @ unknown
If you look through this thread - on the 1851 census the family transcribed GREENOUGH - and living with them is Joseph HARRIS the wife's brother - so the births from the Glosbdm confirm the mother's maiden name as HARRIS - both born St. Nicholas, Gloucestershire. Their daughter Catharine age 19 on the 1851 census place of birth also born at Gloucester St Nicholas c1832
Looking at the Gloucestershirebmd - with Elizabeth GRINHAF - 1844 - mother's maiden name HARRIS and George GRINHAFF - 1846 - mother's maiden name HARRIS
FOD records
Baptism at Drybrook - 5 April 1844
Elizabeth GRINATH - parents Thomas (Collier) Harry Hill and Mary
Memoranda: Parents' surname could be GRENATH. Difficult in deciphering Parents surname - entry is smudged.
Baptism at Drybrook - 8 February 1846
George GREENATH - parents Thomas (Collier) and Mary - residence: Bailey.
Probate: Ancestry - 1908
Joseph - of Broadmoor, Cinderford, Gloucesterhire - collier, died 15 April 1908.
Probate Gloucester 5 May to Amos GRINHAF engineer, and Arthur GRINHAF, grocer. Effects £405. 8s
1881 Census, Westbury on Severn
Joseph - 51 - all born Gloucester
Mary - 50
Arthur - 17 - Blacksmith
Thomas - 80 - father
1871 Census, East Dean
Steam Mill
Joseph - 37 Coal Miner, born East Dean
Mary - 37
Amos - 15 (mother's maiden name LERIGO)
Arthur - 6
Joseph GRINNETT married Mary LERIGO - Longhope 1852 (GlosBDM)
The nearest on my CD for marriage of a Mary HARRIS is to a William GRIMMETT at Deerhurst - 13 November 1820
1861 Census East Dean
Steam Mills
Joseph - 32 lab
Mary - 32
Amos - 4
1861 Census East Dean
Thomas - 60 - Ag. Lab - born St Catherine's Gloucester
Mary - 58
George - 14 - born East Dean
Thomas - 18 - born East Dean
Public Members Tree have Elizabeth 1844 and George 1846 - Looking at GloucestershireBDM, mother's maiden name HARRIS/GRINHAFF - although there does appear to be quite a few later on - also GRINHAF - mother's maiden name LEDIGO/LELRIGO which covers Arthur and Amos GRINHAF
1841 Census, Dean Forest, Hundred St Briavels
Thos Jnr. 35
Thos 1
Jas 15
Saml 14
Richd 13 (? Criminal Register, 4 June 1850 - Richard GREENOUGH - age 20 - Collier, Mitcheldean) ***
Josh 11
Wm 7
John 5
Mary 35
Catharine 9
Hannah - 3
Marriage at Drybrook - 2 November 1851, Richard GRINHAFF age 23, Bachelor, father: Thomas GRINHAFF, Labourer married Lucy HARRIS, mother Moses HARRIS, Collier.
Looking at the 1861 Census for Drybrook - Ancestry have transcribed the surname as GRNIOUGH -
Richard - 33
Lucy - 29
Richard - 10
Hannah - 8
Millicent - 6
Elizabeth - 4
Milson - 2
Rhoda - 1 month
? just wonder whether the families were WATERMEN? around Gloucestershire
GREENOUGH - Criminal Register
by m p griffiths , Wednesday, October 31, 2012, 17:08 (4512 days ago) @ m p griffiths
Ancestry: Criminal Register
Samuel GREENOUGH - age 24 birth abt 1819
Date of Trial - 17 October 1843
Sheep Stealing: Acquitted
Richard GREENOUGH - 4 June 1850 Collier age 20 Mitcheldean - Larcency from the person - 12 months hard labourer (in Little Dean Prison 1851 census)
Thomas GREENOUGH the Elder - 8 December 1858 and
Thomas GREENOUGH the Younger - 8 December 1858 - 3 cal months - feloniously receiving stolen goods.
Gloucestershire Gene Database
Surname spelt: GREENHALF both from Lea Bailey, Herefordshire - Thomas Snr. 58 and Thomas Jnr. 17
GREENOUGH - Criminal Register
by unknown, Thursday, November 01, 2012, 22:55 (4511 days ago) @ m p griffiths
Does the record give the ages of master criminals Thomas Greenhough elder and younger?
GREENOUGH - History of English/Use of Alias
by m p griffiths , Friday, November 02, 2012, 07:24 (4511 days ago) @ unknown
Ages given in previous reply.
Thomas GREENOUGH the elder age 58
Thomas GREENOUGH the younger age 17
Gloucestershire Genealogical Database
Search under GREENHALF* as this is how their surname is spelt on the GRO records
Their records when you click on their surname and give the full reference information from which copies can be obtained from the Records Office.
Another point on researching: names were written down as 'heard' - so local accents played a bit part - hence OUGH/UFF/ etc. Standardisation of surnames took a long time go come about, and like most researchers, most of my family surnames in the past, where spelt in many different ways, particularly my GRIFFITHS/GRYFFIET Hence the 'SOUNDEX' box when searching the Forest of Dean Parish Records.
The History of English
and Alias' surnames were common (Rodbourne Alias HEWER in my Gloucestershire tree)
Naming Practices in 16th Century Gloucestershire (which includes Registers of St Marys Dymock between 1538 and 1600)
by unknown, Thursday, November 01, 2012, 22:50 (4511 days ago) @ m p griffiths
Thanks for your help. Not exactly a family of master criminals by the look of it!
I'm still having difficulty getting futher back than Thomas Greenhaff. I'm trying to trace the male side of the family for a relative who is not good with computers.
I'm originally from Newport, where there are still quite a few Greenhafs. I now live in St Albans but go back to Newport quite often and have friends in Chepstow quite near the Forest of Dean. I'd like to visit the area and possibly do some further research. Although I'm a history teacher who has done a bit of academic research, I have no experence of tracing family trees.
Where would you recommend I start? Parish records, graveyards? Or are all these records online?
My Suggestions on Starting FH Research
by Jefff , West London, Middlesex, Friday, November 02, 2012, 01:29 (4511 days ago) @ unknown
Hi Peagreen,
re first steps in family history research, this BBC website offers a lot of very good advice, alternatively your local library will have many reference books which will offer the same basic suggestions to follow. I believe all UK public libraries offer members free in-library pc access to the Library version of the Ancestry and possibly FindMyPast subscription websites, these hold all sorts of records including Parish Records, plus the ten-yearly British Census's right back to 1841. Before this period you're relying on Parish Records aka BMD. You can of course subscribe to these sites, altho I'm only 15 minutes walk from a large Borough library so I don't subscribe, yet - I use it regularly for 2 hour sessions when it's VERY! quiet (weekday afternoons) and can download Census images, Census transcripts, PR screenshots etc etc onto my own Word documents all on the same cheap & tiny memory stick. The Library also offers free morning beginners sessions with skilled assistants to get you started on the subs websites etc, I'm sure yours might too ?. I live in Uxbridge so not far from you, knowing St Albans has a rich & ancient history pedigree I'm sure your library will be very helpfull as mine was for me. Please study
For research into Dean and on down into Newport & South Wales the FreeBMD website offers very good coverage which is freely accessible, as is it's sister site Free CEN which has less coverage thusfar but is worth trying. The "biggest" free site is the USA based LDS/Family Search which takes some mastering for best results but does offer full Census data especially the 1881 Census (which gives family groups in one "hit" like Ancestry etc), altho you only see transcripts not actual census images so transcription errors are more common.
All of these sites and search methods are fully discussed in the BBC site and the various text books, also see this thread.
For Newport hence Monmouthshire as it was, see the recent thread on this excellent Monmouthshire dedicated website
I suggest first, if possible, trying the online approach as it's far quicker & easier especially this time of year weatherwise. Not ALL Records are online, but most are going that way, and certainly the more recent BMD records are (and freely) to get you back to the 1911 Census which is the key start point. Also sadly many Churchyards are difficult to access and old Monumental stones get weathered even unreadable, as are the old Parish Records books themselves. However often their Monumental Inscriptions will have been transcribed and may be accessible on websites such as this one, certainly if you have Chepstow ancestors they come within the remit of this FoD website which is one of the very best in the UK in my experience; almost all of this area's Parish Records are here and free-of-charge to search, altho donations are always welcome towards the site's upkeep. Monumental Inscriptions(MIs) etc are also available to buy on data cd from the various Local History Societies (consider joining one), or may be on "smaller" free access websites, try thoroughly searching the internet (eg "Newport Genealogy") and see what comes up, I've found several village sites which give the local Census Data for example. In my experience I don't recommend buying too many of the various monthly magazines, they can offer interesting reading & speciallist subject knowledge, but the "free" cd of "census content" is often minimal if not disappointing (and hardly free at £5 a magazine which can be perhaps better spent on Ancestry etc subs), plus many of their suggested websites are easily found by carefull googling or in library text books. "starter" reference data cds are given away annually with some leading national newspapers listing thousands of usefull websites, these may also be bought for a few pounds from the online auction sites.
Eventually you will probably want to visit your specific area in Newport, to get "hands on" with your heritage and explore records unavailable online, a good starting point might well be the Gwent Archives in it's new home at Ebbw Vale, see
Having said all this, members of this forum will always try and help out with queries wrt Dean and it's environs, if they're not directly relevant to the Forest of Dean then sometimes help "offline" can be forthcoming too.
Please study this website fully, there's a huge amount of background info available about research in general as well as the FoD, indeed searching this forum for any query be it a surname or subject will often yield good advice if not answers.
I hope this helps, if not please ask.
Happy Hunting, Jeff.