Louisa Butler from Droitwich (General)

by sarahcate, Thursday, August 20, 2009, 11:00 (5680 days ago)

I am researching my great great great Grandmother Louisa Butler.Louisa was born around 1841 in Droitwich/Malvern Worcestershire,Loiusa may have come from a Gypsy background,Louisa married William Dixon abt 1868.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Louisa BUTLER 1841 from Droitwich - prior thread

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Thursday, August 20, 2009, 11:16 (5680 days ago) @ sarahcate


Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Louisa Butler from Droitwich

by unknown, Saturday, February 25, 2012, 01:52 (4762 days ago) @ sarahcate

Hi Sarah, i guess i must be your cousin. William Dixon is my Gt Gt Grandfather. I am also searching the Dixon tree,and i have only got back as far as william and Louisa Dixon (Nee Butler) they had a caravan on The Usk river bank in Caerleon,They had 6 children one of which was my Gt Grand father William Henry Dixon born 1876 but in Gloucester,there last 3 children were born in the wagon at Caerleon site.
OMG!! this is amazing,ive been searching for nearly 30 yrs to find family also searching, im buzzing now xox Tracy-Ann

Louisa Butler from Droitwich

by unknown, Saturday, February 25, 2012, 02:15 (4762 days ago) @ sarahcate

Hi again Sarah, I cant say for sure about the Butler background,but it has been mentioned in articles about the Dixon family of Cearleon site,that Louisa Dixon (Nee Butler was a true Romany)
I am trying to find out who my Gt Gt Granfathers father was,as his parents dont appear to be from Cearleon,but possible Glous or Worcest.
I am also trying to find my Gt Grandmothers parents,my Gt Grandmother married williams son born 1876 also named william Henry Dixon,but my Gt Grandmothers maiden name was Holt and she was born in worcest. I am starting to search for the holts now,ut i dont know if they were Romany either.Im pretty sure Louisa Butler was though.

Louisa Butler from Droitwich

by unknown, Tuesday, August 21, 2012, 16:48 (4583 days ago) @ sarahcate

hi,i am also related to louisa ...her grandaughter annie was my grandmother...only just started researching my family tree, absolutely fascinating,do you have any more info on louisa or william,I seem to be stuck, thanks my e-mail is Sarah_alcock64 AT yahoo.co.uk

Louisa Butler from Droitwich

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Tuesday, August 21, 2012, 17:03 (4583 days ago) @ unknown

Hi Sarah and welcome to this great website & forum.

Please be advised its not a good idea to post personal contact details on the forum, as there are people off the forum who may use such info to bombard you with unwanted spam emails etc. Just find the relevant post, click the blue "edit" icon and then you can add/remove text as desired.

A way to contact other users is to click on their blue username; this hyperlink lets you send a direct email straight into their home email inbox. This method is more likely to be seen, especially if the person hasnt been on the forum for a while as is the case here (shown when you click the icon), you may get a quicker reply, and it is confidential so a safe way to exchange emails etc. However the spirit of the Forum is to share for the benefit of others.

If a user's name is not displayed in blue, that means they've not been on the forum at all for six months.

Good luck

louisa and william dixon

by unknown, Friday, August 24, 2012, 12:57 (4580 days ago) @ unknown

Can anyone help...i am stuck! I have only just started researching my family tree,I have got back as far as William and Louisa Dixon (I am their great great grandaughter) ,but don't know where to go next?

Louisa and William DIXON (Travellers???)

by m p griffiths @, Friday, August 24, 2012, 13:58 (4580 days ago) @ unknown

More information please e.g. Where and what date have you got back to with Louisa and William DIXON ? - as there are quite a few William & Louisa DIXON on census returns (1911 - Monmouthshire - travelling family) and are they living/from the Forest of Dean area?


FOD records: Baptism at Gloucester Wesleyan Methodist


Sydney: parents William (Halman Combes Hartbury) - and Louisa

and are we talking about this family of 'Travellers'

1891 Wales Census, Monouthshire, Caerleon

Usk side



William 50 - Razor Grinder & Hawker - born Worcester, Eldersfield
Louisa - 48 - born Droitwich
Sidney - 20 - born Gloucester Westbury on Severn (Glos BDM - mother's maiden name BUTLER)
William - 15 - Gloucester, Northleach
Priscilla - 13 - Mon. Llangwm
Anna Maria - 9 - Mon. St. Brides
Isaiah - 7 - Mon. Magor
John - 5 - Mon. Magor

Louisa and William DIXON (Travellers???)

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, August 24, 2012, 14:13 (4580 days ago) @ m p griffiths

HI mpg, hope your well ?.

Sorry, didnt realise you were replying at same time I was writing !

Just to reiterate what you've discovered too, sorry for not doing so earlier wrt my recommendation abt prior posts I should have done this earlier.

Sarah, I assume ???? your Louisa Dixon was Louisa BUTLER from Droitwich ???

IF this is so, then please note Droitwich is well out of this Forest of Dean site coverage, do you know where they got married at all ??

That said, mpg may help even above her normal standards of excellence here as Droitwich is almost home turf I believe..

Louisa and William DIXON (Travellers???)

by unknown, Friday, August 24, 2012, 14:43 (4580 days ago) @ m p griffiths

hi...yes these are my family,i am
new to this,not really sure what i am doing,I think i've found William's parents:Ann and William..from Stourbridge,worcestershire,both born in 1816, cant find Louisa anywhere,or a record of when they married...any info would be welcome...thanks

louisa and william dixon

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, August 24, 2012, 14:02 (4580 days ago) @ unknown

Hi Sarah,
welcome to this great website & forum, its a wonderfull resource which we're so fortunate to have access to !.
First, as a starter I suggest you read this post, it will help you.

Secondly, a good idea is to read replies to your earlier threads, you don't seem to have done so thusfar.

Thirdly, for anyone to be able to help you please help us, speaking for myself I'm just an enthusiastic amateur who's learnt a lot by trial and error, plus the help & guidance of other forum members. (I'm supposed to be off to the supermarket as we speak, but despite my wife's moans abt the other jobs, I'd rather be hear helping you !)
As per the post above, please give us as much information as you can to help us help you. Eg whereabouts and whenabouts were the Dixons living ?.

If you havn't yet done so, I strongly urge you to thoroughly search around this site yourself. Search the forum, you will quite possibly find prior threads relating to your family. Using the blue menu bar at top of the page, search thro the Parish Records (ie church records of births, marriages & deaths), or thro the huge collection of Old Photos, Old Documents, Wills, Inquests etc etc; there really is a wealth of information there.

Re the Parish Records, as you may have discovered (your post didnt say ??)), I cannot readily see a Marriage to link William & Louisa. I've also tried looking for variations of spelling eg Dickson, but so far no luck. I've searched the free GlosBMD site which has additional Marriages as it included Registry Office marriages to which arent in the PRs, again no luck yet. Hence more info on their background will help enormously, please. Don't forget names such as William were and still are enormously popular hence very common, often a family line might have several generations of the same name, so we really do nedd all the extra background information you can provide, please.

Hope this helps, look forward to your reply and we'll work from there.

louisa Dixon nee BUTLER born Droitwich abt 1843?

by Jefff @, West London, Middlesex, Friday, August 24, 2012, 15:12 (4580 days ago) @ Jefff

Hi Sarah, from mpg's census returns, Louisa claims to be 48 in 1891,born Droitwich.
This gives her birthdate about (but not necessarily exactly!) 1843,

If you search for ALL Louisa Butlers around that time for all the UK, using FreeBMD, then below seems the most likely Birth Registration, although if you look yourself on this very helpfull free website you'll see there's "a lot of them about", it was a popular name as was Louis Butler, presumably a traditional family name.
Again we're relying on the Census having an accurate birthdate, sometimes not the case, ideally need to confirm this by looking back at Census's nearer her birthdate, ideally the 1851 Census.

Surname Given Name District Volume Page Transcribers
Births Mar 1845
Butler Louisa Droitwich XVIII 241 Huntress
BUTLER Louisa Droitwich XVIII 241 woonona

ie her birth is registered in the quarter before March 1845, so born during those three months Jan to March. Stll need a baptism to find an exact date tho, if it exists.


Now look on same site for a possible Marriage for her parents, presumably locally altho if Travellers then ??, and her siblings births, and so on...

Other usefull Free websites are here, suggest you try LDS ?
Of course if you have access to a subscription site then maybe not..??

Using free Latter Day Saints website aka LDS,
I wonder if this is the Baptism for the above Birth ?.

Please note however, as you can see from the various Census returns on the abovementioned Prior Threads, her quoted birthdate "varies" between 1841 and 1845.
(This variation isn't unusual for various reasons).
Altho the FreeBMD site isn't always complete (ie that site's database doesnt have records for ALL the births that actually occurred), I can only find ONE Droitwich birth on it within this time period, the 1845 one quoted above, which suggests a tie-up with this Baptism.

BUT be warned, there are quite a lot of "possibles" to choose from....so whether this is "your" Louisa, I cannot be sure ??

I wonder if the mother's unusual name is a clue as to her roots ? I imagine this could easily be mispelt, Googling it gives no usefull hits at all, or at least not as a person's name....??

England, Births and Christenings, 1538-1975,"
Name: Louisa Butler
Gender: Female
Baptism/Christening Date: 22 Feb 1845
Baptism/Christening Place: Oddingley, Worcester, England
Birth Date:
Death Date:
Name Note:
Father's Name: James Butler
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age:
Mother's Name: Ammodine
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: I04517-3
System Origin: England-EASy
Source Film Number: 350645

Oddingley is just 2 miles from Droitwich, see the excellent Genuki for contempary details http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/WOR/Oddingley/Gaz1868.html

The village is right on the Canal which may have played a part in their lives, and Googling does show this area is still a home for travellers, so.....

Hope this helps, good luck.

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