Charles Haynes Hannah Walker Marriage Hartpury (General)

by m p griffiths @, Friday, August 21, 2009, 12:39 (5679 days ago) @ elf


By looking at the 1851 census,

Charles HAINES/HAYNES place of birth, is only a 'ditto' from the household above.

Hannah nee WALKER says she was born in Sandhust, Glous.


Click on S for Sandhurst and you will find

Hannah WALKER was christened 5 June 1803 - parents Richd and Elizabeth WALKER

Richard and Elizabeth WALKER - seems to have had a tough time losing children

They had 3 Joseph's


5 November 1789
1 January 1792
6 December 1795 *

William : christened 14 October 1787 and died 14 March 1797
Richard : christened 31 August 1794 died 24 September 1794
Mary: christened 15 November 1789
James : 2 July 1780
Hannah: 5 June 1803
Isaac: 5 February 1785 **

* 1851 Census, Gloucester St Catherine,

Joseph WALKER age 53 Ag Lab - born Sandhurst
Hannah - age 51 - born Cranham
Richard - 27
Joseph - 23
Esther - 10
Isaac - 7
Elizabeth (married daughter) age 26

1861 Census, Churchdown, Glos

Joseph WALKER - age 63, Ag Lab - born Sandhurst
Harriet - age 60 - born Cranham
Isaac - age 16 - born Longford
Hester - age 20 - born Kingsholm

** 1851 Census, Upton St Leonards

Isac WALKER - married age 7(?) Ag Lab, born Sandhurst
Mary WALKER - age 6(?) born Norton (4 miles from Hartpury)

(Hannah WALKER christened 21 June 1807 Norton - parents Isaac and Mary)

Line through last part of each age on census return

1851 Census - Hartpury

Charles HAINES - 48, Ag Lab - ditto (from the entry above) Glos. Hartpury
Hanah - 44 - born Sandhurst
Mary Ann - 8 born Hartbury

1841 Census - Hartpury

Charles HAINES - 40
Hannah - 35
Charles - 15
William - 14
Richard - 5
Elizabeth - 5

Looking at the 1881 census,

Charles HAINES is living with this daughter Mary Ann BARNES who married John BARNES at Hartpury on the 22 August 1859. On this Census, Charles gives his age as 85 and says he was born in Cleve, Gloucestershire !!!! His death is on the FOD at Hartpury

Church of Latter Day Saints site

Charles HAINES christened 16 April 1797 at Bishops Cleve, parents: John and Hannah HAINES

There are two Siblings christened at Bishops Cleve

Benjamin - 13 October 1799
Thomas - 3 July 1803

1841 census, Kings Charlton

Benjamin HAINES age 39 - labourer
Mary age 35
Ann age 15
Charles age 13 (probably named after his brother)
Eliza age
Emma age 8
Harriet age 2
Hannah HAINES - age 75

Looks as if this is Charles brother, with his widowed mother Hannah

On the 1851 census, Benjamin says he was born Southam, Glos (between Hartpury & Bishops Cleve)

A John HAINES married an Anne MARTIN, 23 October 1812 at Bishops Cleve....

The 1841, Census for Hartpury is very faint,,,, Ancestry has transcibed and (listed together)
could easily be HAYNES

Joseph HAYNER age 55 Lab - a Joseph HAINES - died 9.11.1850 Hartpury age 69
John HAYDEN age 55
Ann HAYDEN age 50......

(ages rounded up on the 41 census - and up until 1929, girls could marry at 12 and boys at 14) very difficult to decifer...

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