Baptised twice ? (General)

by Roger Griffiths @, Friday, August 21, 2009, 20:13 (5679 days ago) @ PhilipN

Yes, there it is but there are two other circumstances leading to real or apparent double baptisms. First is the obvious, infant mortality and next child of same sex given same name. This happened in my Greatgrandparents family, 2 John's.

Other thing is the infamous Poor Laws. If a family moved domicile perhaps the parents had the pre-existing children baptized in the new Parish, thus strengthening their right to be there. If they were unfortunate enough to have to claim on the parish they might receive a removal order to the original parish. I had suspicions of this in my own family between Mitcheltroy, Mon. and Redbrook, Glos. although it came to nothing (so far).


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