MAYO Joseph, drowned in the river Severn 1909 (General)

by PatW, Saturday, August 22, 2009, 13:49 (5678 days ago)

My grandfather Joseph Mayo drowned in the river Severn probably in January 1909. His death certificate says:

When and where died: Seventeenth March 1909, River Severn, Bollow, Westbury on Severn UD
Certificate received from H Allen Armitage, Deputy Coroner for Forest division, County of Gloucester, Inquest held nineteenth March 1909.

The death was registered on 22 March 1909 registration district Westbury on Severn. In the church of St Peters, Minsterworth his burial is entered on 20th March 1909 and there is a note saying “2 months in river before found”.

There are no surviving Coroners' records for that time, no mention in any newspapers and no police report. Does anyone have any idea what happened to him or have any ideas of where I can go next?

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