THOMAS & EMMA MORGAN Coleford (General)

by Roger Griffiths @, Sunday, August 30, 2009, 22:23 (5670 days ago) @ Nick Morgan

Hello Nick,

We may be distantly. Reason I wrote something is because you mentioned Newland, Redbrook and Coleford.

My greatgrandfather's wife was Susannah Carpenter c1788-1859. Her sister Mary 1793-1864 married a James Morgan at All Saints, Newland in 1811. James Morgan died 9Jan1874 aged 82 or 87 (Memorial stone in All Saints churchyard unclear). So, James Morgan would be the nearest connection. Out of curiosity, I looked at IGI and seemed to be able to track him back without difficulty to 1500's. Devon or Somerset. This is a long time ago so my memory is vague. Might be worth looking up Somerset IGI if following Morgan's are your Morgan's.

Found some more detail:-

1841 Census Tything Coleford/Newland/Incline(ie Redbrook)

James Morgan 50 Block Layer
Henry 15
Richard 10
Edward 5
Mary(Ann) 10
Harriet 5

1851 Census Newland, Tything Coleford, Lane End. No. 91.

James Morgan 64 Blocklayer Somerset
Mary 56 Newland
Richard 22 Farm Lab.
Mary Ann 20 Milliner
Edward 18 Farm Lab.
Harriett 16 At Home

James Morgan prob. bapt. 25Mar1790 Wedmore, Somerset. His parents Robert Morgan and Mary Clapp married 6May1789 Wedmore, Somerset

Best of Luck,


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