Samuel DUFTY 1862 ( one to consider) (General)

by unknown, Monday, August 31, 2009, 07:02 (5669 days ago) @ slowhands

Thanks for that! I'm pretty sure that the Samuel b. 1862 is the right one. I managed to finally contact a Dufty in New Zealand that turns out to be the grandson of Samuel, who said that he was 2 years old when he arrived in NZ (emigrated 1864). I will see if the grandson has any paperwork to confirm birth date, otherwise I will order the record myself to see.

It turns out that this grandson also knew a great-great-uncle of mine who isn't related to the Dufty's, they were just mates...small world.

Thanks for looking up that stuff for me, some leads for me to follow up.

Another question...did the Dufty's originally come from Ireland do you think? Something I've been thinking about and Samuel's grandson also mentioned that the original spelling was DOUGHTY.


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