John Tyler Marriage to Belinda Ruck 12/25/1863 (General)

by Searcher99, Monday, September 07, 2009, 00:36 (5663 days ago)

In the transcript details for the above mentioned marriage record, I.D. 1776, entry # 64, John Tyler's age is given as 21. Residence Breams Eaves and his father is listed as John Tyler also.

I also have a record of John Tyler and Belinda's residence in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. where they raised their children.

My problem is John's birth records. I can find no concrete evidence that he has an earthly birth. I assumed he was born in England but can find no trail of John or parents. I tried Wales and found a good match but then cannot confirm his movement from Wales to England. A John Tyler shows up on 1851 Wales census that seems to fit, however, this John does not show up on further Wales census reports.

Where oh where was John Tyler born and how can I prove it?

I hope the message contains enough good information and look forward to a response as soon as possible.

Jim Russell

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