rookancestrybest (General)

by kiwiceltic @, New Zealand, Sunday, September 13, 2009, 04:06 (5656 days ago) @ rookancestrybest

Many thanks for your kind words.
I found the first three poems a few years back not sure where.
The last poem is all mine, as I was having a wee weepie, as I found some ancestors a few moments before hand,
And I felt a deep sorrow for them as they had had such a large family and had lost nearly all their children and after their last child
Had been born she passed on followed by the child she not long given birth too.
It suddenly became very over whelming to me and made me very tearful, thinking like I was treading on their graves etc. Had even
Had thorought's that day of stop doing my family research, That's had badly it had affected me. (15 CHILDREN SHE HAD AND ONLY 2 REACHING TO ADULTHOOD). Spoke to a close friend how it affected me and they gave me a strong pep talk. Told me write down how it had affected me and what you see is the last poem I wrote.
Been doing my family tree since 1974 as a high school project and carried it on everyday or night since than.

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