Replies to older postings (General)

by jimashton @, Monday, September 14, 2009, 12:10 (5655 days ago)

Some while ago it was the case that when a reply or a new input was made to an older posting, this brought that posting back to the first page for people to note that a fresh input had been made.

I feel this facility should be re-introduced.

Somebody replied to an entry I had made to an old posting :

Mary Vaughan 1768/1769 Ruardean - Who were the parents.

I had to use the search facility to find the entry.

In my response, I mentioned that it would be useful for Bertha to see the posting as an undoubted Vaughan expert, well that isn't going to happen, unless the thread is brought to the fore again.

The correspondent has now added some significant information, which has caused me to question my own version of events, but I am not 100% convinced and would appreciate the input of others.

Perhaps "Admin" could investigate.

Jim ashton

How to change the view order

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Monday, September 14, 2009, 12:56 (5655 days ago) @ jimashton


When viewing the Index of the forum you will see the link Order which is next to the Fold Threads link. By clicking the Order link it will bring the thread with the latest reply to the top if it is not already there.

This is covered in more detail in the Help-FAQ

Have a read of the following sections in the FAQ

  • Viewing the forum in different ways
  • How your forum view options are saved

How to change the view order

by llangrove, Monday, September 14, 2009, 17:53 (5655 days ago) @ admin

You can call me "Helen Keller", if you like, but where oh where is the forum search box, now? Sorry!

Search Box

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Monday, September 14, 2009, 18:05 (5655 days ago) @ llangrove

Oops, I will fix it tomorrow, In the meantime you can go direct to it at

Replies to older postings

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Monday, September 14, 2009, 13:00 (5655 days ago) @ jimashton


I have "order by latest reply" set as my viewing option for the threads - however once in a while I do see replies that seem to get "buried" and then spring back into view. Something gets confused - one evening I refreshed my screen and a "raft" of red new reply arrows appeared...

It seems like a rare "glitch" but until you mentioned it I had put it down to me !



these "cookies" are not edible :-)

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Replies to older postings

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Monday, September 14, 2009, 13:09 (5655 days ago) @ slowhands

It seems like a rare "glitch" but until you mentioned it I had put it down to me !

It maybe that you have deleted the cookie (or it has got corrupted) which is generated when you visit the forum and then stored on your computer.

This is explained in
How your forum view options are saved section of the FAQ


The following has been added to my original post made here

The cookie also has an expiry date so if you have been visiting the forum for a long time it will have deleted its self and a new one generated which will cause your view options to go to the default ones which could be different to how you normally view the forum.

Replies to older postings

by jimashton @, Monday, September 14, 2009, 13:10 (5655 days ago) @ slowhands

Thank you Slowhands & Admin.

I vaguely recall raising this issue before, and made the suggested change at the time, I couldn't remember what I had done before. Perhaps subsequent updates remove the change made individually and the default setting "rules".

Jim Ashton

Replies to older postings

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Monday, September 14, 2009, 13:20 (5655 days ago) @ jimashton

I have just added some additional information on my post above which should explain.

Replies to older postings

by winky @, Winelands, South Africa, Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 08:04 (5653 days ago) @ jimashton


I recently sent a reply to an old posting on the subject of the Beavan name suddenly becoming Beaver to find out if anyone knew how this happened and I see from Jims response that it must have gone into the archives as it does not appear on the new list of Forum contributions.

I am not too sure how to overcome this problem, but am hoping by replying to Jims contribution on older postings that someone might just be able to help me with this subject.

Thank you to all.
Carol Brown


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