Lydbrook Cemetery (General)

by dianeh @, Auckland, New Zealand, Wednesday, September 16, 2009, 22:33 (5653 days ago) @ dianeh

Thank you everyone for all your help with this so far. Now I have a big favour to ask of you lovely photographers out there.

While no one can find the Robinson graves for me, another kind member has sent me a survey of Lydbrook Church and churchyard. Listed on it is my 3 x Gt Grandmother's headstone. Her name is Eleanor Woolley d 24 July 1879 and she is buried with her daughter Ameila Edwards and Amelia's baby daughter Emily.

If anyone is close by with a camera I would love a photograph. I can send you a copy of the survey to make your search for the headstone simple.

Thanks again your help is most appreicated.



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