Sail makers of Wollastone - HARRIS and BARROW (General)

by noggerw, Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 18:54 (5622 days ago)

Hello Foresters
I have reached a point of researching the forebears of Sarah Eliza Harris b. 1816 Wollastone to William and Mary. I would like to raise a few queries at this stage:
William Harris is a sail maker - are there further details of his profession and lineage in the Forest of Dean records?

Is there a Harris link to the Barrow family in the 1700s in the Woolastone or Newnham area?

Can I be certain of Mary Harris' maiden name - I think it is Robbins?

What possibly happened to Mary Harris after Williams death about 1830?

Fantastic work on your site and forum

Sail makers of Wollastone - HARRIS and BARROW

by biddy @, Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 22:01 (5616 days ago) @ noggerw

This inscription in Woolaston churchyard could add a little:-
Here lies interred the body of Ann the Wife of Walter Harris Daughter of Richd Barrow ... she died the 20 Oct 1768 aged 73 Years ... Here rest .. the Mortal rems of Richard Harris of this Parish Son of the above named Walter and Ann Harris who departed this life the 27 day of Jany Anno Dom 1784 Aged 52 Years.
In memory of William Harris Gent Sail Maker of this Parish who died the 29th of June 1799 aged 65 Years. Also William Harris Sail Maker Nephew of the above who departed this life June 25th 18..

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