Forest of Dean Family History Community (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Friday, October 16, 2009, 07:18 (5621 days ago)

Forest of Dean Family History Community

This is a new section that has been added to the Web site, it will not replace the the Photo Gallery which we've had for many years where old photos of people and places of the Forest are displayed. Please do not use this new section for old photos that belong in the Photo Gallery.

Community Web sites like Flickr have become very popular in the last few years so I thought it is time to introduce our own community section where you can add photos and files that would not qualify to go into our current Photo Gallery and Downloads section.

The upload system will accept PDF and ZIP files as well as the common photo formats. If you have any type of file such as a Word, Excel, Text, Gedcom or others formats you can Zip these files and upload them.

You can also download photos and send an eCard of the photo to other people.

Everybody can can view the section but in order to upload photos and files and have access to the other features you will need to register with a username and password. The registration is not connected in any way to the registration of our Forum and Parish Records, it is a completely different issue.

When uploading a photo or file you will need to keep within the following boundaries otherwise you they will not be accepted.

Maximum image hight 1000 pixels
Maximum image width 1000 pixels

Maximum image or file size 2048 kilobytes (2 megabyte)

You should be able to work out how to use the section without any great difficulty. If you do run into any difficulties I will not be able to give you any direct support in solving any problems as my time is already overloaded in keeping the Web site running and updated. You can however post a query here in the forum in the newly created Community Photos category where possibly other users will be able to assist you or if time permits I will reply.

I believe many people will like this new addition to the Web site but only time will give the answer. If you think it is a good addition then please reply to this posting and let me know.

I've put a few photos and files of my own into the section to get it started under the username of davwat.

Now go and find a few digital photos and files you have and upload them!


[Edited by admin, 18 Oct 2009]

Community - You can upload files as well as photos

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, October 18, 2009, 10:59 (5619 days ago) @ admin

The newly created Community Photo section of the Web site has been renamed to The reason for dropping the Photo part of the name is because it is not just a place where you can upload photos, you can also upload files which you would like to share and make available to other people.

The upload system will accept PDF and ZIP files as well as the common photo formats. If you have any type of file such as a Word, Excel, Text, Gedcom or others formats, you can Zip these files and upload them.

To Zip a file is a very easy process and you can do it in just a few seconds. If you have not bothered in the past to use the Zip feature which is built into your computer, here are links to instructions of how to create a Zip file.

Windows XP
Windows Vista
Apple Mac OS X

Many people have asked in the forum in the past how they can send a file or photo to us for other people to look at. We now have the setion for you to do just that - go ahead and make use of this facility and send us your files and photos which you would like to share.

Cannot access

by bryanmarrott, Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 10:58 (5596 days ago) @ admin

cannot access. Error message incorrect d.b. ? 1937 04 06?

Cannot access

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 11:31 (5596 days ago) @ bryanmarrott

It is difficult to help you without more information from you. I need you to to give me all the details so I can reproduce the problem you are having then I will probably be able to assist.

What do you mean by "cannot access", are you unable to log in or are you unable to upload a file?

If it is a problem uploading a file or image, does it meet the maximum size requirements and type? Do you have characters like ? or @ in the file name that may not play nicely with the upload system?

Cannot access

by barrow, Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 12:24 (5595 days ago) @ admin

Not successful at uploading image, and cannot fathom out why, have 'site' via photobucket with what appears to be correct URL, pic seems to be within size restrictions and is jpeg, but 'error messages', help appreciated, Thanks

This is how to do it

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 14:55 (5595 days ago) @ barrow

I went and had a look at the photobucket website and noticed the sharing URL they provide is to their web page which has the photo on it. This will not work if you paste it into our Community.

What you need to do when on the page that your photo is on is go to Post to Website → Get Link Code → Direct Link to Layout Pages. This then provides you with a link which you can paste in our Community.

To make sure it worked, I found a photo of the Fountain Inn Parkend on their site which you will now find is also displayed in our Community.

This is how to do it

by barrow, Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 15:58 (5595 days ago) @ admin

Error uploading image file:
Vermillion.jpeg: Invalid file type (jpeg, image/pjpeg)

pasted from last attempt,Thanks for ongoing help

This is how to do it

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 17:22 (5595 days ago) @ barrow

Okay, good, we now know what the problem is!

You are trying to upload a file which is in the jpeg format rather than the more common jpg format.

I have just added jpeg to the acceptable upload formats so you will now be able to upload your photo.

Community Page

by selbyfamily @, Saturday, November 07, 2009, 09:36 (5599 days ago) @ admin

It is not possible to get into this at the moment. Is there a general problem or is it just me?

Community Page

by ChrisW @, Saturday, November 07, 2009, 15:30 (5598 days ago) @ selbyfamily

I just tried it and I am getting this error message:

An unexpected error occured. Please try again later.

Community Page

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Saturday, November 07, 2009, 17:06 (5598 days ago) @ selbyfamily

You can now access the page again.

I've been wondering recently if it is worth continuing with this section of the website as there has only been selbyfamily and myself who has added anything to it.

I thought when I started this section that it would generate some interest and be utilised, it appears that I was wrong.

Community Page

by selbyfamily @, Saturday, November 07, 2009, 18:21 (5598 days ago) @ admin

There must be some keen photographers out there who have photos to share with us. I have loads I could put on there but was holding off for other people to have a go.

Come on you photographers. Don't let David's hard work go to waste.

Community Page

by kiwiceltic @, New Zealand, Saturday, November 07, 2009, 20:53 (5598 days ago) @ selbyfamily

Like you I too have the selbyfamily, I have loads of photos to share the Forresters.

No no please don't take it off David

by kiwiceltic @, New Zealand, Saturday, November 07, 2009, 20:50 (5598 days ago) @ admin

No no please don't take it off David, I just found it and didn't know there was a Community Page on here. What a good idea it is.

Why are people not using the Community Section?

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, November 08, 2009, 04:03 (5598 days ago) @ admin

Forest of Dean Family History Community - Introduction

Is it because when people visit our website they want to keep to family history and genealogy and go elsewhere to share any other interests?

Is a community section inappropriate for our website?

Is the Community section too confusing and not easy to understand on how to share a photo or file?

Is it that many people are unaware of how to resize photos or zip files so they can be uploaded onto the website?

Is it because that many of our visitors to the website belong to the mature age group and it just does not interest them?

Is it that people are reluctant to upload photos and files because they think they will not be suitable or interest other people?

Is it because I have not promoted the Community section enough and many people are not aware it exists?

It would be nice if you could give me some feedback on the subject and if it is worth continuing with the Community section or not. If you think it is a good idea having it on our website the easiest way is to support it is by uploading some photos and files.

Maybe, if we can just get a few more people to upload some photos and files, it will encourage others to do the same and it will turn out to be another very useful resource on our website.

Why are people not using the Community Section?

by selbyfamily @, Sunday, November 08, 2009, 08:45 (5598 days ago) @ admin

If I can do it, anyone can and I am a mature adult!! I discovered how to resize my photos as they were too big (which is a bit time consuming and might put some people off doing it) and it was easy to upload. I love looking at other people's photos but I know that not everyone does and you can bore them to death if you are not careful! The last time I looked, I think a lot of people had actually visited the site and it would be more interesting if there were more photos than mine and Davids on it.

Why are people not using the Community Section?

by selbyfamily @, Sunday, November 08, 2009, 09:18 (5598 days ago) @ selbyfamily

Since sending in the last message, I have resized and uploaded 5 more photos. This took under 15 minutes to do so is not a lengthy process once you have the hang of it. Hope to see some more photos soon!

Why are people not using the Community Section?

by selbyfamily @, Sunday, November 08, 2009, 16:38 (5597 days ago) @ selbyfamily

I knew there must be someone out there with some good photos! Two more people have uploaded some wonderful pictures and the You Tube of Alberton is very interesting, so keep it going so David's work is not in vain.

Why are people not using the Community Section?

by Gillian Knowles @, Thursday, November 19, 2009, 13:09 (5586 days ago) @ selbyfamily

I have enjoyed looking at your pictures from around the world and may attempt some myself one day.
I particularly liked the photos taken in Singapore and Australia and the one of Raffles brought back memories when I think we may have shared your table for tea.

Why are people not using the Community Section?

by selbyfamily @, Thursday, November 19, 2009, 16:38 (5586 days ago) @ Gillian Knowles

Hi Gill

Glad you like the photos. Yes, it was us who were on the same tour and shared your table at Raffles. I enjoy looking at the photos you put on Sungreen especially when you come up with one of a member of the Selby/Brookes family. We went to South Africa earlier this year with Titan as you will see from some of the photos I have put on the Community section.


Why are people not using the Community Section?

by Gillian Knowles @, Thursday, November 19, 2009, 17:31 (5586 days ago) @ selbyfamily

Hi Sheila,
Nice to make contact with you again and to see your excellent photographs. I had worked out that you probably went with Titan to South Africa. We are going to New Zealand and Australia with them next year.
Saw your relative who was in the same class at school at the reunion, but she left early before I had a chance to talk to her.
Best Wishes

Why are people not using the Community Section?

by reporter, Sunday, November 08, 2009, 10:22 (5598 days ago) @ admin

A thought. Perhaps it's too vague.
Suggestion: have subsections, for example, pictures and stories of where Forest folk emigrated to (including darkest Yorkshire), researcher's hints and tips and methods of storing and sorting their data, a general "cafe" style of forum where people could discuss genealogical and family history things not directly associated with the FoD.........

For example, I'm struggling with the public v private issues of having trees on Ancestry and Genes. How do I synchronise my three databases as well as paper work is another topic? (don't reply yet, anyone!)Are there easier ways of recording citations from the 1911 census? Anyone using Linux software? Anyone interested in a mapping of where my grandparents and father went from the Forest, and why......etc etc.

Best wishes
Bob Jenkins

Why are people not using the Community Section?

by julien @, Sunday, November 08, 2009, 18:52 (5597 days ago) @ reporter

Anyone using Linux software?

Yes!! I have my Family Tree on a program called Gramps - easy to use & organise.

I hadn't really found the Community section - but keep up the good work!


Gramps genealogy program for Linux

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Thursday, November 12, 2009, 17:09 (5593 days ago) @ julien

View my reply here

Why are people not using the Community Section?

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Monday, November 09, 2009, 11:05 (5597 days ago) @ reporter


Thanks very much for your suggestions which all have merit. It is always good to get other peoples thoughts on how we can improve the website.

With regards to the new Community pages I am able to add as many categories as needed. I have not done this at this stage as I was not sure of what titles would be most suitable. Would you let me know what categories you consider would be appropriate.

I will start a new topic with regards to your other comments.

Why are people not using the Community Section?

by barrow, Sunday, November 08, 2009, 17:31 (5597 days ago) @ admin

Give it a chance!, I find it only another part of what is a delightful site and a refreshing divergence from reading the cracking replies from such as slowhands to the many and varied questions thrown at the forum. One of these days I will get to grips with posting pictures or whatever, when I URL my mind at it!!, as it is my mind reels from getting involved in going off my Watkins thread to some of lasses they chased and caught, my family tree is its own little forest, branches and twigs litter the ground.

Why are people not using the Community Section?

by Lawrencef ⌂ @, Trentham, Australia, Sunday, November 15, 2009, 10:21 (5591 days ago) @ admin

To be honest, I was largely unaware of the community section. All the answers I normally need are found in this forum, searching the inquests is morbidly interesting (but not generally fruitful for me other than fascination) and the odd photo etc but largly that part of the site is negated for me by the strength of this forum.

I don't think I've ever looked at the communty forum for example. I come here regularly as well so perhaps I'm not an unusual user for the site (I guess you've checked your logs, bet that my usage is similer to many others...)

another 10c worth.

Forest of Dean Family History Community

by barrow, Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 22:47 (5594 days ago) @ admin

Up-load O.K., thanks for guidance, one picture 'bled' (Tufa), no idea but would like it deleted, HOW ?

Forest of Dean Family History Community

by charwatkin @, Dalton, Ohio, USA, Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 15:27 (4733 days ago) @ admin

Have been trying to set-up a user name & password to access Community Photos. I keep receiving error messages... use a valid email address, fill in access code .. again & again. Help!

For family photo guidelines... would the photos of the daughter of a couople who were born in Little Dean & Longney be considered on the Community page or Old Photo page?


Forest of Dean Family History Community

by slowhands @, proud of his ancient Dean Forest roots, Wednesday, March 21, 2012, 17:17 (4733 days ago) @ charwatkin

Have been trying to set-up a user name & password to access Community Photos. I keep receiving error messages... use a valid email address, fill in access code .. again & again. Help!

For family photo guidelines... would the photos of the daughter of a couople who were born in Little Dean & Longney be considered on the Community page or Old Photo page?


I've just registered, recieved an activation e'mail and replied far it appears to work

Ἀριστοτέλης A Gloster & Hereford Boy in the Forest of Dean ><((((*>

Forest of Dean Old Photos

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, March 25, 2012, 06:29 (4730 days ago) @ charwatkin

For family photo guidelines... would the photos of the daughter of a couople who were born in Little Dean & Longney be considered on the Community page or Old Photo page?

Please see the Photo Gallery Main page.

This Photo Gallery is exclusively for old photographs of people and places of the Forest of Dean. If you have any old photographs that you've converted into a digital format and you would like them included in the Gallery, you can send them to us as an email attachment.

In keeping with the theme of the Web site, the photos must be at least 60 years or older and people must be of past generations unless the photo has some significant value.

It is very important that you follow the instructions below in order for your photos to be successfully added in our Photo Gallery.

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