Why are people not using the Community Section? (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, November 08, 2009, 04:03 (5598 days ago) @ admin

Forest of Dean Family History Community - Introduction

Is it because when people visit our website they want to keep to family history and genealogy and go elsewhere to share any other interests?

Is a community section inappropriate for our website?

Is the Community section too confusing and not easy to understand on how to share a photo or file?

Is it that many people are unaware of how to resize photos or zip files so they can be uploaded onto the website?

Is it because that many of our visitors to the website belong to the mature age group and it just does not interest them?

Is it that people are reluctant to upload photos and files because they think they will not be suitable or interest other people?

Is it because I have not promoted the Community section enough and many people are not aware it exists?

It would be nice if you could give me some feedback on the subject and if it is worth continuing with the Community section or not. If you think it is a good idea having it on our website the easiest way is to support it is by uploading some photos and files.

Maybe, if we can just get a few more people to upload some photos and files, it will encourage others to do the same and it will turn out to be another very useful resource on our website.

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