Parents of Eliza Whittington (born 1835) (General)

by lesleyr @, London, Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 19:18 (5595 days ago) @ lesleyr

Hello again
Thank you for the contributions to my query.
I think I may have found another reason as to why the name of Eliza Whittington's mother is recorded on her baptism record as Eliza and not Harriet (as everywhere else).
Although the Whittingtons lived in English Bicknor, Eliza and her siblings were baptised in Monmouth which is not covered by your excellent Parish Record section. I got the original information from the IGI so yesterday I visited the London Family History Centre yesterday to check the entry on the microfilms of the parish records and transcripts held there. I found that the record for the baptism in Monmouth (2 November 1843) of Eliza and her siblings Lucy, James and William, was a 'transcript'. Can I take that to mean that someone had transcribed the information from the original? If so, maybe the person who did the transcribing made a mistake and recorded Eliza's mother as Eliza and not Harriet.
By the way, it may interest anyone else researching the Whittingtons, that the reason Eliza and her siblings were baptised in Monmouth rather than English Bicknor was that the family were living in the Monmouth Workhouse at the time (recorded in the transcript).


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