The second forum is in place (General)

by admin ⌂, Forest of Dean, Sunday, November 15, 2009, 12:01 (5590 days ago) @ Lawrencef

Thanks for your 10c worth. The second forum I have just put in place but have not made any announcement about it as yet as I have not put together a description about what it is to be used for. Go to the very top, right hand side of this page and you will se that you can switch to the other forum. To distinguish which forum you are currently on I have given a different colour to the theme.

The new forum will not be for family history research, it will be for other topics and if you take a look through the categories drop down list it will give you an idea what it will be about.

This is one of the most successful geneological sites I've come across and its success must in part be that it is so dedicated to one region and that it has the local knowledge of many of its contributors.

I agree with you completely on the matter of it being dedicated to one region and I often make the same point. It will as far as I am concerned always be dedicated to one region and I have no intention of making it any different.

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