Baptism of Mary MARSHALL 1735 at Awre (General)

by Ralph Cook, Saturday, November 21, 2009, 16:57 (5584 days ago)


My ancestors Richard Morse (of Newland) and Mary Marshall (of Awre) were married at Newland on 24th April 1760. I wonder if the places of residence were correctly recorded in the parish register (or mixed up by the transcriber) as usually marriages took place in the bride's place of residence.

Today I found that the Awre-born Mary Marshall I had assumed was my ancestor was buried at the age of three in 1743, so she wasn't Richard's bride.

The IGI has an alternative Mary Marshall, also baptised at Awre but five years earlier on 24th April 1735. She is described as the daughter of Benfield and Ann Marshall. However, the name given in the FOD transcription database comes up as Anne Marshall, daughter of Benfield etc.

I wonder whether the IGI mistranscribed the register, or the FOD transcriber did. Perhaps the FOD transcriber recorded the name of the child's mother where the child's name should be?

Can someone help by confirming what is the name of the child baptised at Awre that day?



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