Will of John Berrow of Nash, Mon 1750 (General)
by monfamilies, Wednesday, December 09, 2009, 15:16 (5566 days ago)
The Berrow family were from around the Wye valley, I have quite a few in my pedigree, This Will mentions property in St Briavels.
Will of John Berrow of Nash, Mon 1750
by unknown, Wednesday, March 23, 2011, 03:31 (5097 days ago) @ monfamilies
Is your John Connected to Richard born 1767 in St Briavel im currently researching the berrow/barrow family in st briavels Richard son William born 10th July 1798 in Newland is my Great Great Great Grandfather which would make Richard my Great Great Great Great Grandfather and I believe his father was Henry ? any information would be greatly received
Will of John Berrow of Nash, Mon 1750
by Peter Rogers , Monday, October 10, 2016, 21:37 (3069 days ago) @ unknown
I too have been looking into the BERROW/BARROW family from St Briavels and Newland, and have traced back as far as Henry BARROW who married Elisabeth YAROT in 1759. As far as I can make out he had 3 sons: Richard born in 1761, Thomas born in 1763 and Richard born in 1767; presumably the first Richard dies before 1767.
I am reasonably confident that Richard (1767) marries Elizabeth YOUNG in 1789, and the ensuing generations result in my grandmother Emily BERROW who marries Albert ROGERS in S Wales in 1913. I further presume that the family moves to S Wales around the turn of the century seeking mining work.
If anyone is interested I'm willing to share the research I have, and if anyone can shed any light on the BARROW family before 1759 I'd be delighted to hear from you.
Peter Rogers
Will of John Berrow of Nash, Mon 1750
by MPGriffiths , Tuesday, October 11, 2016, 13:43 (3068 days ago) @ Peter Rogers
Gloucestershire Marriage Allegations 1637-1837 and Marriage Bonds 1730-1823
Under Resources on this website
two records - Record: 44053 and Records: 59658 one giving age
Henry BARROW aged 30, Batchelor - c1729
occupation: Butcher
residence: St Briavells
Elizabeth YEROT (YEROTT) aged 25, Spinster
residence: Newland
marriage by Licence:
Sworn before Thos. Carpenter - to marry at Newland
Memoranda: The groom and Aaron MACE are bound in the sum of £500. To marry at Newland
(Aarron MACE a Cordwainer of Harscombe - )
Try and form the family groups/christian names etc at St Briavels of BARROW/BERROW - starting with the earliest....
Also use the Advance Search for witnesses etc.
St Briavells
Burial: Anthony BARROW - 27 November 1662 (Glos Record Office: Will of Anthony BERROW St Briavels 1663) + Will of Richard BERROW of St Briavels 1666)
and two christening
John BERROW - son of Richard 1670
Henry BERROW - son of John 1666
etc etc
Or try searching the National Archives
for example
Date: 1662
Short title: Skyne v Berrow
Plaintiffs: William SKYNE and (unknown) REEVE
Defendants: Anne BERROW widow, James BERROW, Robert BERROW and William CARPENTER
Subject: property in St briavel's Monmouthshire
Document type: three answers
Held by: The Nationla Archives, Kew
-----Date: 1595 - St Briavels
Certificate of residence: showing James BERROW (or the variant surname: BEROWE, BERROWE)
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Edmund BERROWE 1606 of Bledisloe & St Briavels.
Men in Armour 1608 - lists Edmond BERROWE - Gentleman, Purton in Lydney Parish Aged around 40 - middle stature