Burris family (General)

by jim2382, Thursday, December 10, 2009, 13:09 (5571 days ago) @ lumaller

Hi Lumaller
My name is Jack Your grandmother was my Aunt. My father was Frank Henry (Jack) I have 3 Sisters Betty (Eldest) Sue and Kath. Your great grandmother was Eliza Amelia Newman.

I was brought up in Dewsbury, my sister Betty used to work in your grandmothers fish shop in Bradford, Last time I saw Auntie Marjorie was at the funeral of her brother my uncle Harold in Nottingham. I haven't seen you father for over 50 years.
I have researched some of the family and can trace it back to 1827 to a Mary Ann who it seems never married and her son Frederick was born in 1854 his son also called Frederick born 1892 and married Eliza Newman in 1912

Living in Yorkshire we never got to know the extended family in Gloucester and never kept in contact with reletives in Bradford My uncle Fred lived in Pudsey and had a son called Melvin who was a policeman there.

Trust this fills in some of the gaps

I am retired living in Grantham and have 3 Daughters Beverly, Jackie (Lives in America) and Kate also in Grantham and has 2 children.

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