Looking for Mathews's who relate to Cheltenham 1800's (General)

by falcomille, Saturday, January 02, 2010, 16:07 (5542 days ago)

Hello all
I've just joined this site after getting "second wind" with my Family History research, started by contact from distant relations in Canada who found me on the internet.
My immediate family are all from Derby and have been since the late 1880's, but I can trace the Mathews's back to Cheltenham and Stow-on-the-Wold to about 1813.
I spent 5 years living in Newnham-on-Severn at the end of the 90's/early 2000's but didn't have the "bug" for family reasearch. I since found a Great Grandmother who was born in Abenhall (Mitcheldean) and am rather frustrated by the fact I now live in Southern France and cannot easily get to the Forest or Gloucestershire to do some more research. However, if any of you good people are researching Mathews's (or Matthews's) in he Forest, I shall be glad to hear from you, to see if we have any commonality.
Kind regards and a Happy New Year
Peter Mathews, MOUX, France

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