Jones of Dymock (General)

by gwensabin, Tuesday, January 19, 2010, 19:52 (5525 days ago)

Thomas Andrew Jones married Mary Olpin and they appeared to had 4 children. Harry Jones died at about 4 years, Alfred John Jones, born 1898 was killed in the 1st World War. Thomas Andrew above, died aged 38 in 1913 from appendicitis, measles, pleuris pneumonia. There were 2 other children, Edith Annie born 1901 and Arthur Hubert Francis born 1905. The 3 children are all on the 1911 census. Mary remarried a Bill Selwyn in 1915 at Ross.
Does anyone know what became of Edith Annie and Arthur Hubert Francis? If so, I would love to hear from you.
Many thanks - Gwen Sabin

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