Joint Death (General)

by Celia61, Saturday, January 23, 2010, 16:44 (5521 days ago) @ Faith21

Hi Peter
I see that the register entries (in slowhands reply)were on consecutive pages. The death registers at that time had four entries to a page.

Several reasons why deaths may have occurred/been registered on the same day; accident of some sort involving both parties, not necessarily dying on same day, but a short time apart, and coroner holding inquest for both on same day; or, a frail elderly couple devoted to each other, and one dies immediately after the other from heart attack etc as a result of shock - this happens far more often than is realised.

Why not send off to the Register Office responsible for Cirencester for a death certificate for one party, and then decide whether its worth buying the second. (suggest getting the later entry first)

Cheers, and good luck, celia

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