How do I obtain a Will of an ancestor? (General)
by Akeene121, Friday, January 29, 2010, 17:23 (5514 days ago)
How do you get hold of a will of an ancestor? Is there somewhere to apply to see a copy or are they in archives at a Family history centre?
Thanks Alice
How do I obtain a Will of an ancestor?
by pclark , Friday, January 29, 2010, 17:41 (5514 days ago) @ Akeene121
On the home page of this site there is Forest of Dean Wills. I think if you click on Read More and scroll down a bit there is a link or at least a reference as to where you can obtain copies.
How do I obtain a Will of an ancestor?
by Akeene121, Friday, January 29, 2010, 18:13 (5514 days ago) @ pclark
Have looked at the links and will have a look around them tommorow. Thank lots
How do I obtain a Will of an ancestor?
by m p griffiths , Friday, January 29, 2010, 17:42 (5514 days ago) @ Akeene121
Alice, apart from the Wills downloaded on this site - The Gloucestershire County Council, has a Genealogical Database where you can search for Wills (Gloucestershire Records Office) - if you go onto the Home Page - send an email to them - quoting reference details of the Will required.
If you find a relevant Will, the minimum charge is £5.00 for copy and postage.
There appear to be 1,861 Williams Wills etc. on their database.
Added by admin
How to Obtain a copy of a Will
How do I obtain a Will of an ancestor?
by Akeene121, Friday, January 29, 2010, 18:08 (5514 days ago) @ m p griffiths
I have searched through the wills on here but was unable to find what I was after - there is only one Williams will on here and it didn't fit in to my tree (well at least i dont think so!)
I had a look at the website posted above too but got slightly confused by it - I searched in their database and it came up with plenty of wills etc but whether they were the right one or not i am not sure. it also gave no indication of what to do next if I had found the right one or not.
Thanks though,
How do I obtain a Will of an ancestor?
by gerobertson , Saturday, January 30, 2010, 00:01 (5514 days ago) @ Akeene121
I may be able to help as I have transcribed a few of the Wills on this site.
Do you have some specific information on who you are looking for in regard to wills?
I can then guide you through the ordering process if we find anything interesting.
Glenn Robertson
How do I obtain a Will of an ancestor?
by Akeene121, Saturday, January 30, 2010, 17:33 (5513 days ago) @ gerobertson
I was sent some information about the branch of the Williams family that I am trying to trace but they weren't sure as whether the person I had furthest back was connected to what they suspect was their parents, grand parents etc. But there are records missing and so we are not sure if they are the parents I am after. They suggested that I find a will that might prove this connection - I would like to be as sure as possible that I have found the right tree.
Thanks all
Family Tree On Downloads Section
by Akeene121, Sunday, January 31, 2010, 14:37 (5513 days ago) @ Akeene121
The family I am interested in is now on the downloads page under the misc section - The Descendants of Richard Williams St B.
Thanks all!