Why would anyone be bapised twice (General)

by Allan, Friday, January 29, 2010, 23:58 (5514 days ago) @ rookancestrybest

You are correct in saying that members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) baptise not only the living but also the dead. Firstly, the Mormon faith says that baptism is a living ordinance(done by those living) and that a person needs baptism for two reasons, for a remission of ones sins and for entry into the Celestial Kingdom, the highest of the three degrees of glory. This is why Christ himself was baptised since we all know he was without sin. Secondly, if we all need baptism in life, what about all those that have died not having any opportunity to do so.. and would have if that opportunity were available when they lived. Jesus Christ being sinless was able to fulfill the law of justice in paying the price for our sins, and by doing so, invoke the law of mercy on our behalf. This we could not do for ourselves. Likewise, the dead cannot baptise themselves, so Christ allows those living and with the proper authority to act as proxy for the dead in this and other sacred ordinances performed in Latter-day Temples. It is important to know however that although members of the LDS Church are commanded to do this work for the dead(especially their own ancestors), it is also known by them that the deceased are free to accept or reject this work. Also the Mormons have an extraction program,hence a person may have an ancestor who was non LDS,but is listed in the International Genealogy Index,the database for Temple Ordinance Work. Hope this helps.

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