Men in armour for Gloucestershire 1608 (General)
by teresa baldwin, Monday, February 01, 2010, 15:56 (5512 days ago)
Has anyone a copy of Men and armour for Gloucestershire in 1608.
I'm looking for the name Baldwyne
Men in armour for Gloucestershire 1608
by m p griffiths , Monday, February 01, 2010, 19:23 (5512 days ago) @ teresa baldwin
Men in Armour in Gloucestershire - Author: John SMITH born 1567
Genuki:/Genealogical research information for Gloucestershire England
(on Page 10)
Men between the ages of 18 - 60 are listed.
'The names and Surnames of all the able and sufficient men in body fitt for his Ma'ties service in the warrs within the City of Gloucester and the Inshire of the same, wherein are contayned the City of Glouc' and the Hundreds of Dudstone and Barton Regis, with their ages, personable Statures and Armours viewed by the Right honourable Henry Lord Berkley Lord Lieutenant of the said City and the County thereof by direction from his Ma'tie in the month of September 1608'
The list provides occupation, and a measure of age, and physique of the parties concerned by means of a key, for example: - John Bendall Broadweaver -1m being decipherable using the following table: - etc.
Look-up requests on Rootsweb Mailing List Gloucestershire (FEBRUARY 2010) with answers.
Men in armour for Gloucestershire 1608
by Megan , Cheltenham, Wednesday, February 03, 2010, 22:49 (5510 days ago) @ teresa baldwin
Have been looking at a copy of this book in Bristol Library only last week. Sorry didn't notice the name you are looking for. Hope this helps
Men in armour for Gloucestershire 1608
by Bailey , Thursday, February 04, 2010, 07:47 (5509 days ago) @ teresa baldwin
There is a copy of Men in Armour 1608 kept at the Guildhall Library, Guildhall, London on micro fiche in the reference library (at no cost to view ).
In addition, I have found extracts on "Google" for Whettenhapstead, Longhope and Berkely Hundred etc (sorry but have not kept info on web pages).
My visit to the Guildhall focused on the parishes of Hasfield, Corse, Ashleworth and Tirley. From these I prepared a transcript of each parish. There is one record in Corsse [Corse]parish, as follows:-
Name: John Baldwyne
Occupation: Yeoman
AgeCat. : 2 ( about 40 years of age )
Rank: M ( middle stature )
Note: Tr (a trained soldier)
Sub ( he was a subsidy man)
I hope this is your man.
Men in armour for Gloucestershire 1608
by m p griffiths , Sunday, August 05, 2012, 18:23 (4596 days ago) @ teresa baldwin
There seems to be a searchable database now on line - not sure how many names have been transcribed.
Help Page: shows 'complete list of locations as used in the database' - which does include some FOD places
Could prove a useful tool - as one place listed is Abenhall
and FOD records, have a baptism for an Anne HAMLING - 20 Mar 1608 - no parents listed....
However, looking for at the database for Abenhall - Men in Armour....
Richard HAMLINGE - Gentleman A40* - Lower Stature....
*age of that man is to be about 40