Girtrude READ 1881 East Dean (General)

by Matt, Thursday, February 11, 2010, 21:57 (5501 days ago) @ jimashton

Hi Jim

I think you are right, the Gertrude I am after is most likely another. If I am able to get her birth cert this should sort things out for me. The Richard Read you mention is, I believe the brother of George Read (1785/1851) who lived with, but did not marry, Ann Brown; their son George married Jane Tingle in 1853. She is the Jane referred to in the 1861 and 1891 Census returns that you mention.

By the way, from an earlier post I recall you were interested in Elizabeth Read, also a child of George and Ann Brown. I think Elizabeth was born in 1818 and that she married James Wilce in 1939. Certainly these two are mentioned in George senior's Will of 1846 which I have transcribed and which I hope to send through shortly for putting on the website.

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